Michael B. Jordan directs and protagonizes Creed 3: The Rocky Legend

At the moment, Sylvester Stallone was unable to protagonize Rocky’s videos as well. And now his successor, Michael B. Jordan (Black Panther) has his own proposal with the third entry of Creed, in which he wants to interpret Adonis Creed, the legend of the boxing legend Apollo, to see if he can pass the rooms by first time.

In his book A Life in Movies: Stories From 50 years in Hollywood, the producer of the boxing franchise, Irvin Wenkler, explored that Jordan tends to take the opportunity to direct a Rocky movie. “I promised Michael B. Jordan that he would take the opportunity to direct Creed 3. Last year, in a conversation with our star, the offer was not only protagonized, but he also directed,” he wrote.

Now, the co-protagonist of the spin-off saga of Rocky, Tessa Thompson (Thor: Ragnarok), has confirmed in a promotional interview of his latest movie, Sylvie’s Love, with MTV News. If it’s not Jordan’s link to another secret project, Creed’s third entry will be his first movie as director.

The most curious is that when directing Creed 3, Jordan followed Stallone’s steps, pushing through the cameras in all of Rocky’s movies, he praised the first hash Ryan Coogler took the relevance to Creed’s first entry.

At the moment, details are being revealed about Adonis Creed’s approximate movie, which in its predecessor was sung by Ivan Drago, Rocky’s last name interpreted by Dolph Lundgren. In the same way, it was not announced at the train station or at the beginning of the road to the movie.
