Micha recoils that he has more to do with the EE.UU policy. than in Cuba

8 | 15/04/2021 – 14:29 (GMT-4)

El Micha Recognizes that it has more assistance to the police in the United States than in Cuba, and ensures that there are some precautions in meeting with agents of the Order Order.

In a visit to Wys de Carlucho to discuss your topic A sueño -recientemente estrenado- in the final segment of the interview, ante a comment from the presenter about the need to accept the dictatorship in Cuba and the policies dejen de dar palos, the reguonero approved for confession “of courage”, which was issued to North American police.

“I’m really tired of being with the police here”, admitió El Micha refiriéndose a la police etadounidense.

“One has to stay away from the police,” Carlucho commented. “To sabes, yo allá (Cuba) no tenien tanto miedo a la polisi”, dijo el reguetonero, que precisely de desde que llego a EE.UU., hace tres años, lo primero que vio en television fue un pisándole la cara a un negro.

The regetonero, with the spontaneity that characterizes it, approves to counter a a recent incident involving a police officer in the carriage presumably for speeding.

The Micha accounted that when the police got into his car, he went with the men to the house and even though the license was in “the kangaroo” he was looking for, when the agent required the documentation to pay a fine (of 255 dollars), lo first that hizo “by itself acaso” fue pruntarle to police if podium quitar the manon of timon for darle the driver’s license.

According to El Micha’s opinion regarding the stadium policy, part of the interview turned upside down and A Sueño, converted to one of the current musical themes by the advertising of a political change in Cuba of which the letter of the song is carried.

“I felt the portrayal of a reality, I felt that the things were not good, that it was the moment and that I touched”, verklaaró El Micha, for which his song only retreats the world of what is happening in the island.

“I’m not saying that I’m taking revenge on the mice, I’m singing the hiccup, I’m feeling better, I’m thinking of a people, the situation that’s happening,” Carlucho disputed, interrogating him about the possibility of the Cuban regime retaliation with his family in the island.

On March 31, the regentoner will train in his new age, denouncing representation, the lack of freedom of expression, the escalation of comedies and medicines, the large coals and the change of currency in the island.

“Hace falta un cambio aunque sea por casualidad. Cada día está peor, La Habana no aguanta más, el pueblo está diciendo ‘¡Está bueno ya!'”; “Now we will change the world in the midst of a pandemic, freedom of expression, which is a tragedy”; “¿Te enteraste? Geen hooi ni medicina pa ‘calmer los dolores. Al país le hace falta un cambio, tiempos mejores. Que pa’ que los hijos coman, madres dejan de comer” y “El sufrimiento de los míos, que se acabe The repression, which is acceptable. The abuse, which is acceptable. The Cuban angst, which is acceptable “, are some of the fragments in which El Micha resents the situation that plagues the island.

“I’m tired of it, I’m the only one who’s doing it. Continging on the world, saying’s that I’m living. Oye, that pa ‘mejorar la gente se siguen yendo. de la canción, en cuyo videoclip -filmado en blanco y negro- aparizió vestido con una guayabera y fumando tobacco.

El Micha se sumo con A Sueño to despair politically that it protagonizes Gente de Zona in the second half of 2020. Hasta now the reguetonero prefers to observe political themes, act that the choice of critics.

On Tuesday, El Micha publicly praised the rapper and activist, Maykel Osorbo, por put your song on the calf the day in which a group of urban artists repairing arteries competing with La Habana Vieja while reproducing contested music, in special Patria y Vida and the estrogen cito of the Cuban regent.
