Miami Beach declares state of emergency to avoid continuing agglomerations during spring break

The City of Miami Beach declared this Saturday state of emergency has seen the miles of people he visited in this tourist site to enjoy spring break.

El alcalde, Dan Gelber, did not deliver the speech for the initiator at 8 p.m. For the entertainment district of the city (que abarca Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue, Washingtonlaan en Española Way) as die koms van die la carreteras de entrada a la ciudad a las de la 9:00 de la noche. Both medics will be effective at least for the next 72 hours.

All restaurants, bars and shops must be closed at the moment of initiation. evening clock. The police will be deployed in the zone to ensure that the time is agreed.

“To get to the heart of the vacations of spring break, simply we are abrumados “, said the City Administrator, Raúl Aguila, at the press conference.

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Tourists in the Miami Beach entertainment district.EFE

Hasta this Saturday, the Florida report reported more than 2 million coronavirus cases, with 5,105 infections reported this year. It covers the region as a high point of contact in United States, agreed with NBC News.

On the other hand, the authorities, tourists and residents of Miami Beach have been called to the same extent as “appears a rock concert”.

“No podiums will be the pavement and no podiums will be the past”, Aguila said.

Last week he was full of confrontations between the police and the tourists. The Jews at night, the police use gas against a group of school holidaymakers involved in a riot at a restaurant, close to NBC South Florida. In addition, a Miami Beach report was reported that resulted in a person being killed, according to the Miami Herald.

A total of 100 people have been detained, some carrying arms of fugitive, because the police presence in the calls has increased, according to BBC News.

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The Miami Beach beach season lasts during the spring break.EFE

Debating the crowds and the risk of contagion, the iconic Clevelander South Beach hotel paused its food and baby service operations, CNN reported.

“Recently, we were very concerned about the security of our dedicated employees and valued customers, and the ability to maintain a safe gateway in the surrounding area,” the hotel said in a statement.

Miami Beach pictures show a crowd of girls playing in the bars, celebrating without mascarillas or social distance. The specialists have announced that this powder will remove one of the infections of COVID-19 in the city.

“We know that numbers are fluent in Florida”, said Dr. José Gonzales, specialist in infection infections at the University of Miami, a BBC News, problems “.

“The hecho of tener toda this people together increases the probability that the virus will expand and increase the cases”.

More information on NBC News, NBC South Florida, Miami Herald, CNN, BBC News.
