Mhoni Vidente vaticina desgracia para Maduro en negochiaci de Biden met Kuba

Mhoni Vidente predicts the fall of the Venezuelan regime (Photo: Captura Youtube)

In his first speech of the year, the Cuban Mhoni Vidente, who had been talking about the 2021 series being a “apocalyptic” year, wanted to surprise him with his ultimate predictions.

The Tarotist amplified it previously in the political arena, ensuring that this year had important priorities, specifically referring to the mandates, “Vladimir Poetin, Nicolás Maduro, Jair Bolsonaro and López Obrador ten.

The Cuban team made it clear that there was some uncertainty about Vladimir Putin (Russia), Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela), López Obrador (Mexico) and Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), as long as the death toll was around.

Specifically, they’s been able to make attempts at them, just like Joe Biden of the United States.

Respect for the new mandate of the United States, it is clear that democracy will continue to thrive in the nation. “The bidding (in Biden) in negotiations with Cuba and Venezuela to have a radical change in government issues,” he said.

For other lads and preoccupied manners, the pituitary gland warns of a high calorie intake and some telecommuting driving forces. “The year 2021 will be the year of the solar system and the sun and will be prepared for natural events.”

Alerto to the population of being prepared for the climatic change in all of 2021. “Have a global calendar in all parts. The calorie will be extreme from March ”, the Cuban specified.

“I saw a very strong seismic in the month of March, July or November, case 7.9, 8 degrees, near Ecuador or Chile. In Mexico, too, visuals will be available by the month of April or September from 6.9 to 6.5 ”, according to.

As far as coronavirus is concerned, Mhoni Vidente has said that in years to come, he will read it to the end. According to its calculations, for March and April, the vaccine will be widely distributed worldwide. “It simply came to our notice then. But I visualized another pandemic in 10 years. In 2030, there will be another pandemic or more force, ”he said.

“A meteorite will rise over the Pacific Ocean”

“The map that will be dominant will be the map of the devil. Be the avarice, the power, the energies in questioning the human versus the different being human. We will have to lift the orations to tumble in Luzbel. 2021 will be an apocalyptic year, ”he said. And a new Papa from Italy, Asia or Mexico.

“There is a meteorite that flew, as never before has it been seen in the Pacific Ocean that marks a transcendence in the world. It will be like a tsunami, because it will be destroyed by the fire, and it will be in the month of April or May, ”said Vatican.

Another tragedy that took place during the months of June and July was for Mexico, “a tragedy”, dijo. “We are flying an airplane, and there are many important ones in this airplane, both business and political. I will completely cover the history of the country ”, indicated.
