Mhoni Vidente predijo los DISTURBIOS en el ‘Capitolio’ de EE.UU (VIDEO)

Mhoni Vidente volvió to accept new ones in one of its predictions; in días pasados ​​dimos a conocer en La Verdad News that the situation in the United States is very tense over the presidential victory of Joe Biden.

She explained that after losing and the November 3, 2020 comics, President Donald Trump had the opportunity to attack the “governing” of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump is going to governing his final finals of the year, as soon as the power of change is realized, he has already said “with the spade, making sure there are people who are bored”, says Mhoni Vidente during his consultation.

“These are the months that Donald Trump was going to be beaten and terrified by a lot of people. But there have been rumors that they all have a principle and a final … he wanted to do something to make them cry and cause terror in United States “, explained by the astrologer.

The Cuban astrologer talks about the problems of EE.UU

Mhoni VIdendte predijo lo sucedido en EE.UU

Four dead in Washington DC

Have the moment, the stories in the Capitolio de Estados Unidos han dejado, al menos, cuatro personas muertas. For its part, the Republican took the pledge to his sympathizers (by the late) who would be detained and returned to the house; without embarrassment, no matter what the dedication of the ringleading and assurance that it is the verdict of the comics.

At the moment, members of the president’s cabinet are discussing the possibility of a decision being made by his party capitol at the Capitol, informing media outlets about the markets at night.

LE RECOMENDAMOS LEER: Mhoni Vidente predicts EXTRAÑA enfermedad en el mundo durante 2021 (VIDEO)

Discussions centered on the 25th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which allows the appointment of a President by the Vice-President and the Cabinet if it is considered “incapable of completing the papers and drafts of its cargo”.

The new COVID-19 continuous extension will be extended worldwide. Síguenos and Google News and all the details.
