Mhoni Vidente made a prediction for Karla Panini and Américo Garza

Mhoni Vidente launches a new prediction and petition from his followers, which the habrían was insisting on knowing what would happen in the matrimonial de Karla Panini y Américo Garza, de quienes ya no se ha sabido nada.

We note that the couple have been white critics in the last few years due to the controversy surrounding their relationship, since it has been reported that Américo Garza was dating comedian Karla Luna when she started her romance.

When Karla Luna failed Panini y Américo Garza contrajeron nupcias, lo que no tiene future este 2021, señaló Mhoni Vidente, pues su prediction signal that you can divorce in the next months.

Mhoni Vidente indicates that he will be in action when he finishes his matrimony and firmen the divorce, and that the regional emperor continues his amorous life, but with another mysterious woman in the middle of the spectacle.

About Karla Panini, the living Cuban assured that “Everything pays off” and he says that the comedian will continue for a long time after his divorce: “If you want to live well, seniors, so that life comes well for you”.

“Karla Panini, te la bañaste y Definitely van a acabar mal; lo mal mal empieza mal acaba, si quires que la vida port port well you have ten port port well with it. How many millions of men will suffer, why should a man be married? ”, arremetió Mhoni Vidente.
