Mhoni Vidente advised that February would be a complicated one; da RITUALS for tener abundance: VIDEO

Mhoni Vidente share in your channel of Youtube a ritual to attract the abunda in the next month of February and consisted in realizing just during the first of the month. The famous vidente make sure February is a very complicated month and that the monkey is initiating.

Teken op as como los colores basis para este 2021 son el rojo y el amillo, para el ritual use bright orange colored emeralds as the first layer velas fueron and color rojo; Ahora un cirio o veladora en amarlillo, detall la pitonisa.

Mhoni Vidente destac que adems del cirio o la veladora se requerirn dos vasos cristalinos llenos de agua, locin de siete machos, cinnamon en polvo, un jabn neutro, parfuum favorito, un huevo rojo, tres monedas, azcar, incienso, cerillos de madera y papel aluminio.

Ritual for abundance, health and prosperity

To start realizing the ritual be necessary to make just in the lunar transcursion of February 1, detall Mhoni Vidente; at the time that is desee: on the plateau of aluminum if the veladora, se le pondr el parfuum de nosotros, despus cinnamon a la vela, enseguida azcar morena o blanca; is for abundance y prosperity, as well as tranquility and love, detach.

Enseguida se colocan las tres monedas in the form of a tringulo, we will open the vases with water. Hecho esto la persona se tiene que meter a baar con el jabn neutro, sin usar shampoo, y en el bao al huevo colocarle locin de siete machos. If you pass by the little ones to the cave resting on our father or a sea, trusting that you will be well in the month of February, which calms the negative energies, which traiga prosperity, explicitly.

One time he used the egg se envuelve en papel aluminum: Saliendo del bao, y ya purificados, prenden el incienso y despus la veladora amarilla. At the moment there is our father or a nightmare. This ritual traer prosperidad, abundancia, salud, envidias y mal de ojo, detall.

Finally the cirio if you take it at night, but if it is not possible, at least I will take one hour or two hours, or the time you are at home. El water should be drawn to the calf o in the excuse and be vuelven to llen the vasos with water. Once the veladora is present, the three monedas las quitas y se colocan en la cartera, no import si las gastas o no, atraer ms abundance, concluy la famosa pitonisa.
