Mexico warns that irregular caravan entry will not be allowed

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

El Consulate of Mexico in San Pedro Sula issue a communication to advertise to the Hondurans that program for sale in rumba caravans to the United States, that the Aztec country actuarizes the migration.

Asi responds to the announcement that the health of the first caravan of migrants is circulating to the next 15 years.

“The Mexican Government continues to act responsibly, in spite of its migration and sanitation measures implemented to combat the covid-19 pandemic”, say the document.

Mexico will ensure that no irregular entry of caravan migrants into its territory is allowed. “Mexico promotes that migration is secure, orderly and regular on the basis of the principle of shared international responsibility ”.

These migratory movements explain that its irregular discharges of persons that involve large risks and that in a cohort like the actual, characterized by the pandemic of covid, but the possibility of being victims of organized delinquency and insecurity, are pueden tener a mayor sufrimiento on the truck.

“The Gobierno of Mexico helps migrants to enter Mexico on a regular basis, with full respect for migratory provisions and established sanitation protocols.” refer to the communication.

The agreement of asylum

A menos of the final mandate of President Donald Trump, who logró the firm and entered into force of the agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, countries of the North American Central Triangle, which allow the revolution in those countries of migrants that cross your territories to get to United States and asylum seekers.

Este acuerdo es similar al Migrant Protection (MPP) Memorandum, program initiated by the Trump Governor in 2019, by the tens of thousands of people who are on the front lines of the United States supporting asylum seekers in Mexico. “Honduras, on the basis of international and national norms, guarantees the right of asylum to migrants traveling through Honduran territory, always and when planning with the requirements, now Honduras will apply the agreement,” said Lisandro Rosales, Honduras’ chancellor.

This agreement will allow the enrollment of eligible migrant workers who seek humanitarian protection in any of the countries and will avoid long periods on the front lines.
