Mexico unveils mayor’s vacancy package to deliver medicine to all countries

Military delegates from the DHL leaving 400,000 doses of a Mexico.
Military delegates from the DHL leaving 400,000 doses of a Mexico.—– / EFE

The largest number of vacancies has arrived this March in Mexico. He again received more than 439,700 doses of Pfizer-BioNtech medicine through the capital and the airport. The right now is to put on the road a watchmaking machinery to load this fifth cargo by eight routes. The objective is to locate these tens of miles within 25 states of the country in the closest hours. The country is playing with this strategy of distributing the capacity to demonstrate the efficiency in the application to a large scale of the munitions that Iran has more to increase in the coming weeks. “There will be all the movement to different states and states to covid hospitals. The Secretary of Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, who coordinates the efforts in the distribution, announced the start of the evacuation.

With the cargo of high, Mexico reimburses the mid-million received vacancies from the 23rd of December. Authorities of the Secretariat of Health announced this March that it has used 81% of the more than 100,000 injections received in the first four embarks. Ayer is immunized with up to 5,000 people. These are managed by the Sanitary Center of the Middle East and the northern part of the country. The question of how to claim covers the rest of the States. Mexico is located between the countries that have applied more vacancies per 100,000 inhabitants. Currently, only 0.07 has been managed, in agreement with the content of Our World in Data, is presenting a disgrace with the figures presented by the Mexican Government.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Governor is optimistic that he will receive 1.4 million doses in a year. These calculations allow the Administration to compile with the methods that it has proposed and that are encapsulated by the protection of more than one million employees in the Health sector, which most victims have died in the world. In February and March, the turn of the major adults will take place, which will be pinched in 10,000 evacuation sites. López Obrador said he received one of the millions of doses he bought at the Chinese laboratory CanSinoBio. “A series of speeches that will be made available to the major adults of major cities … in the February finals will make me vacant,” the president said at his morning conference. The authorities also plan the use of 24 million doses of the Russian Sputnik vaccine for the mayor divided into rural communities and difficult access.

The operation that will be postponed this March to the large part of the country will be the first test for the plan designed by Salud. The Ejército initiated at 13.20 the distribution of doses by varying routes to the cities of Mexico City: Mexico City, Hidalgo, Morelos, Puebla, Querétaro and Tlaxcala. En la capital el reparto debe alcanzar a los 69 hospitals which have already fought the virus.

More complex is the operation of eight routes that will evacuate the vacancies to 25 States. It will start with the salvage of airplanes from Mexico City to the cities of Sonora, Chihuahua, Yucatan, Guanajuato, Michoacán, Oaxaca and Tamaulipas. Of these, 38 other aircraft will be used to travel to 17 locations. Another military helicopter destroys Ciudad de Mexico rumbo a Guerrero to distribute doses in three points of the entity. Soldiers’ estimates estimate that the last aircraft will arrive at 11.30pm in Tepic, Nayarit. The last package will be sent on 03.40 from the 13th of January in Campeche, to the Netherlands. All military bases will be guarded by military personnel in the bases of Ejército, Fuerza Aérea and de Armada and from there to the health centers where they will be used.

The operation claims to have 879 hospital facilities. The Governor has created a team of 12 people called Brigade Correcaminos to administer the vacancies. You must apply for a medical. They are composed of a doctor and a nurse, a military quarter, of the three promoters of the Secretariat of Bienestar known as the servants of the nation (one can be an integral part of the Sembrando vida program), one more representative of the Education Programs The school is ours Benas Juárez and the volunteers. The presence of Gobierno’s officials shows the accusations of opposition from the political party that the Administration pretends to be vacant in another electoral district where the Chamber of Deputies will be renovated and 15 governors will be elected.
