Mexico refuses vigilance on the frontier with Guatemala a potential arrival of migrants from Honduras

Honduras participating in a new caravan of migrants headed to the United States by a carrier in Chiquimula, Guatemala, January 16, 2021. REUTERS / Luis Echeverría
Honduras participating in a new caravan of migrants headed to the United States by a carrier in Chiquimula, Guatemala, January 16, 2021. REUTERS / Luis Echeverría

Mexico is ready to receive the first-ever migratory migration of 2021 with a frontier security reform ahead of a new caravan of 6,000 Central American migrants leaving the streets of San Pedro Sula, Honduras by night to cross the city of Rome United.

From the quarters, elements of the National Guard, Staff of the Army and Secretariat of the Marina Armada of Mexico summon the 500 migrant agents which deploys the gober in the south with the object of vigilance the front and, possibly, detain the caravan.

The officers of the National Guard are led in convoys and trucks to Puente Internacional Rodolfo Robles, main legal route in the south of Mexico for migrants, while other groups are directed to the river Riyata Suchiate cop equipos antimotiene para hacer attendance and avoid the migrants intenten cruzar de illegal manner in Mexico.

Honduras participating in a new caravan of migrants with rum in the United States, choking with Guatemalan soldiers intending to cruise Guatemalan territory, in Vado Hondo, Guatemala, January 17, 2021. REUTERS / Luis Echeverría
Honduras participating in a new caravan of migrants with rum in the United States, choking with Guatemalan soldiers intending to cruise Guatemalan territory, in Vado Hondo, Guatemala, January 17, 2021. REUTERS / Luis Echeverría

The militaries are mantra-draining during various days to achieve strict vigilance in the main informal steps to the large part of the Suchiate River that divides Mexico with Guatemala, it maintains its lower levels and allows the passage of the extraterrestrials in case that can be delivered freely through Guatemala.

The Brigadier General and Coordinator of the National Guard, Vicente Antonio Hernández Sánchez, signaled that the deployment of elements to improve security on the front on the Mexican governor’s position any caravan that can enter by order in the country.

Explained that the objective is to salvage the integrity of migrants, because also representatives of the Secretariat of Health (SSa) can, before the coronavirus pandemic, this section has been given priority.

It is here, added, that all that between Mexico should be reviewed by the SSA, while its migratory situation recedes in the National Migration League, although it has been noted that attention will always be paid to “always respecting human rights”, especially for migrant minors.

REUTERS / Luis Echeverria
REUTERS / Luis Echeverria

Destacó that the device that is in the French frontier is waiting for attention tothe migrant with the end of ingresen of manner regulated and are the proportional services of health, food, accommodation and, mainly, work.

“If in his dicho signifies that there are some pleasures that he has in his respective lands, he can not question, but if his objective is good, in Mexico he is good and he has a job, because he has no one who seguir otro lugar ”, refirió.

Reiteró that Mexico will address and protect migrants “as long as it has the Institute (Migration) (INM), it has”.

In the same way, it agrees with Article 96 of the Ley Nacional de Migración, the Guardia Nacional estaría in terms of “proportional support” to the INM in case the migrants are looking for a violent way through the Suchiate River.

    REUTERS / Luis Echeverria
REUTERS / Luis Echeverria

In 2019, there was an increase in the number of caravans of Central American migrants crossing Mexico to the United States, and Donald Trump arranged with impressive strikes to all Mexican exports.

The governor of Mexico agrees with The United States military on its frontier in Guatemala is in the process of launching a Central American development program to curb migration, even if it continues.

Guaranteed frenan caravan security forces in Guatemala with lacrimogenic gas and palos

Miles of migrants entering the country of Guatemala, en route from Honduras to the United States, were detained by the police, who launched gas lacrimogenic, and militaries allowed women to insist on driving.

Security forces are looking for migrants in a cart of the Vado Hondo magazine, in the Chiquimula department, facing Honduras. SAccording to police figures, it was located at least 6,000 of the 9,000 people estimated to enter Guatemala.

With EFE information on AFP


The migratory caravan which is headed to the United States is duplicated in Guatemala and is made up of 9,000 people

A caravan of 4,500 migrants travels to Honduras, crosses the frontier in Guatemala and continues to transport to the EU
