Mexico deports 136 Hondurans in the middle of the advance of migrant caravans

Mexico, Mexico.

The National Institute of Migration (INM) of the Mexican Governor deported this March to 136 Hondurans ahead of the first migrating caravans from the central Central American cities to the United States.

“(The INM) was responsible for the return of 136 Honduran nationalities, women of irregular manners in Mexico”, informed the Institute, which is dependent on the Secretariat of Government (Segob).

The deportation, which the Gobierno de Mexico calls “returned assistance”, collects in the middle of the advance of migrant caravans of Central America and the United States.

The Mexican government has acknowledged the actions of Guatemala’s authorities, which are dissolving into a group of more than 6,000 Hondurans claiming to be in the United States.

LEA: United States: 250 migrants die on the frontier in 2020

As of this time in Mexico, the INM Department of Immigrant Menters descends from a bus to be able to take a plane from the Magnicharters company to the vigilancia de la Guardia Nacional, military and political training corps.

“The airline of the International Airport of Villahermosa, Tabasco, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, respecting – and at the moment – human rights,” the INM said.

In Mexico, the increased migration since October 2018, when caravans with miles of Central American migrants began to enter the country to travel to the United States.

Here are Donald Trump’s co-ordinators, in June 2019 both countries agreed that Mexico will be on the front lines on miles of National Guard elements, a military training corps created by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

In one of its most recent public events, Trump announced last week that there are now 27,000 Mexican soldiers who “protect the front” of the migration situation.
“I would like to add to Grand President of Mexico, is a great knight, a friend of mine. President Obrador is a man who really knows what is happening, he loves his country and also loves the United States, which he would like to love “, Trump commented from the front wall in Alamo, Texas.

López Obrador has expressed his hope that Joe Biden, who is replacing Trump as President of the United States, is taking on the promise of a migration reform.
The Mexican mandate has said that it defends the sovereignty of the country in energy and in the case of Salvador Cienfuegos, ex-head of the Mexican Ejército accused of narcotics by the United States, but has not declared itself to follow the migratory political mechanism.
