Mexico, change type: How much does the dollar cost this Friday, April 16, 2021? | Change type | Mexican Peso | Contribution | Banamex | SAT | NNDC | MEXICO

El cambio type operate with a tendency to alza el viernes in Mexico but the person is required to register his third consecutive week with loans, in the middle of a dollar debit and a cash return on the benefits of Treasury of the United States.

At the time of the mañana, the price of dollars was quoted at 19.9480 pesos in the Mexican market, a mayor level at 0.07% ahead of the 19.9340 units of the previous year, according to Reuters.

The Metanalisis Consultation said in a report that “As a result of the decline in the yields on bonuses in the United States from the March final of this year, the dollar has been declining in front of the majority of the months, mainly in front of the canvas of its six main branches, and I have the opportunity to submit to other assets ”.

The dollar registers a second week of losses and the referential return of the treasures of the treasury is maintained the four of the minimums of cases one mark in the previous session, which the investors inquired more than the insistence of the Reserve Federal (Fed) to maintain a long-term accommodative political stance.

From levels to levels at which the firefighters are operating, Reuters estimates that the Mexican peso will close the week with a 1% increase, while it registers a 0.4% loss.

Of other lads, the Bolsa de Valores de México (BVM) operates with stores this year. El índice references S & P / BMV IPC subía 0.46% y se colocaba en 48,735,67 points per las 11:26 local.

