Mexico, cambio type: How much does it cost this Wednesday, April 21, 2021? | Change type | Mexican Peso | Contribution | Banamex | SAT | NNDC | MEXICO

El cambio type operaba a la baja el miercoles en Mexico for the appreciation of the peso after a period in the previous session, online with some other months of emerging economies and on the other hand against the dollar that is less than a minimum of six weeks.

In the hours of the mañana, el dollar price is located at 19.8970 pesos in the market of Mexico, a lower level of 0.32% ahead of March 19,9600, according to Reuters data.

On a global level, the dollar index, which compares the world ticket with six rival currencies, has seen an increase in the number and size of COVID-19 cases in countries such as India and Japan. The Mexican peso depreciated in the previous session by 0.72%, a rate of six sessions with gains that were higher than three months.

Gabriela Siller, director of economic analysis at Banco Base, said that the movement of the type of change of markets “was only a result of an adjustment to the losses of the March session”.

“The Mexican peso, along with a reduced group of divisions, is moving in the opposite direction of the dollar, just as it has not been since April 5,” the executive said.

For its part, the Monex financial group estimates for the session a fluctuation rate of the cambic type between 19.80 and 20.00 pesos per dollar, taking into account support key levels at 19.78 and resistance at 20.10 units.

