Mexicanos ‘Alacrán’ Berchelt y Óscar Valdez ponen KO a la báscula

The title of the Superpluma title of the Boxing World Cup is officially that the puppets mark less than the limit of 130 books

There are no more obstacles to the front of the nightmare to the base and the war has green, white and red borders.

Miguel ‘Alacrán’ Berchelt exponder this sabbath the Boxing World Cup Superplum Champion ante the obligatory debtor, Óscar Valdez, in a prognostic duel reserved in Las Vegas’ MGM Grand Burbuja, which will be broadcast by ESPN so much suede estadounidense como mexicano.

This late novel, Miguel Berchelt detuvo su registro en 130 libras exactas, mientras que Óscar Valdez weight 130 libras. The limit is 130 books, that is, 58,967 kilograms.

Tras su cita ante la bascula, a la que Berchelt llegó con burgemeester victimicio, debido a que es mou alto para la division, quedó todo en semáforo verde para un duel que promete muchas emotion et paralizar México por la combination of talent, explosividad y buen boxeo que ambos son capaci de ofrecer al public.

“I feel very well, I am happy, I am ready, prepared for a war this Saturday. I have not been able to turn my body, but it is enough to log the victory”, verklaar Berchelt. “Nee my siento favorito, voy a enfrentar un gran peleador como Oscar. Do you want to relocate my work, my preparation, the large plot that connects with Alfredo Caballero. We come to Victoria.

Knight to accompany in the outline of Berchelt pesar de que a principios de la semana estaba en duda su estance due to problems of vision. In this form, the top 4 trainers from Mexico will be in one and another team, yes Valdez will meet with the reconocido Eddy Reynoso.

“I have the mindset. I’m 100 in number for this game and I’ve been trained longer than you are”, sentence Valdez.

The broadcast of the velada will commence at the 17:30 hours of the City of Mexico (15:30 PT / 18: 30ET) through the signal of ESPN KNOCKOUT in Spanish and Top rankings off ESPN in English for the millions of fanatics.
