Mexican work with Liam Neeson

Liam Neeson regress al sptimo arte con El Protector, una cint de accin que en esta ocasin va ms all de las explosions y las armas; history retreats the migratory conflict and the separation of families, themes that have been immediately reported to the Mexican Teresa Ruz, who is known for his participation in the Narcos series.

Le guion y me sorprendi que hablaba de los migrantes, de una madre y un hijo que caminan este conflot al Lija character de Liam, un ranchero que no est de acuerdo con la migracin illegal y al conocerlos abre su corazn y se hacen una familia , continued Ruz.

La actress oaxaquea se som a este filme para retratar y mostrarle a los jvenes que hoy son segunda o tercera generacin de migrantes, lo que tuvieron que vivir sus padres, tos o abuelos al cruzar de illegera manera, por eso traatt de impregnarle a Rosa, su papel, this sentiment, because it also comes from a family that travels to the United States in search of the best opportunities.

Ruiz is happy to work with Liam, porque le showr respeto, Llegu el primer da yl estaba filming y corri a darme la bienvenida, weiderg.

Ambient Cambia

Ruiz started his career in different ways and the mayor resigned to summon Narcos, but now he has to pay for the drugs, arms and cartels, to enter a romantic and amiable environment, the second time of Luis Miguel, the series, tambin de Netflix.

I’ve been content because it’s a series that celebrates Mexico, its music, the love that tenemos alya its songs, which are always much loved in our culture, detall.

By: Patricia Villanueva
