Mexican sales from top 10 stores

Italia y Dinamarca superaron a la Mexicción Mexicana en die ranklys van de nuis FIFA para salir de las 10 mejores del mundo

La Mexección Mexicana quedó fuera del Top 10 of the FIFA rankings between the friendly parties that disputed the combination of Wales and Costa Rica have one day in Europe.

The organism that directs the balloon to the world level compartment in this Wednesday updates the list of the best selections and the Three appears in the position N ° 11 with 1 629 units. Cabe records that the Aztec conjunction lost the Galilee team and took the minimum to the tics.

The plant led by Gerardo Martino descends from the Houses in the FIFA Ranking more than four months’ worth of maintenance between the planet’s top ten selections. In the last update of the ranking, Denmark and Italy will have lower scales provoking that Mexico descends on the list.

The next ranking is led by the Belgian Selection, which assumes 1,783 units. Due to the Belgian combined, France, Brazil, England and Portugal will face Argentina appearing in the octave of the classification.

With respect to what follows in the tricolor calendar, the’ta ‘compromise and company will be in May in Iceland and will mark the Aztec combined regression in the United States that will be suspended from US territories in 2020 by the pandemic of COVID-19. Postered on his match against Iceland, Mexico will face Costa Rica in the CONCACAF League of Nations.
