Mexican golfers report to Cuban El Mujer Day

City of Mexico.

Mexico City Police agredieron y retuvieron this month to four photoreported, one of them from the Efe Agency, which covers a demonstration on the metro capitalino by the International Women’s Day.

The hechos ocurrieron alrededor del mediodía en el interior de la station de metro Hidalgo, in the center of the capital, Cuando Las photographs seguían una women’s walk which paints the installations of suburb.

Agree with the relationship of Sáshenka Gutiérrez, Efe photojournalist, police officers photo companions‘y las intentionaron arrest to be identified at any time as periodicals.

Además de Sáshenka Gutiérrez, fueron agredidas Gabriela Esquivel, of 24 Hours; Leslie Pérez, del Heraldo de México, y Graciela López, de Cuartoscuro.

These are the best ways to look expenses and retention csee pared by police agents.

“Geen nos dejaban salir, cerraron el access to the metro and nos volvieron a give patadas, nrs pelar jalaron y nee hicieron caso de que éramos prensa. Our queries leave the rooms “, Gutiérrez explained, who grabbed videos of the incident.

Además, la Policía accionó los publishers to reduce the visibility and volver to golpearlas.

Dos photoreported pudieron salir ayudadas por manifestantes que regresaron a buscarlas, mientras las otras dos quedaron retenidas until you read it Marabunta Brigade, an NGO defender of the free demonstration that intercedió ante la Policía.

Tras salir, Gutiérrez explained that he encounters well except Leslie Pérez, who has some cortes en las manos for the esposas.

To announce the above, the Secretariat of Public Security of the Mexico City stated in social speeches that “women can not be foundn retenidas “ and make sure it is “invest in the hechos”.

Posterly, get in touch with the Efe Agency to connect with mayor detalle lo ocurrido.

Rise of the demonstrations by the Day of the Woman, the center of the city of mexico amanesión este lunes con la seuridad reforzada y algunoif access is closed.

Different from previous years, the Government gave a hugea metal wall Alrededor del Palacio Nacional, residencia del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to avoid feminist protesters painting them walls of edification.

Vea: The global pandemic of poverty to 118 million women in Latin America

The valley, criticized by the feminist movement as a symbol of repression, was converted during the end of the week in a shift to the feminicide victims, with flowers and paintings.

Mexico registered the year passed 967 feminicidios, 16,545 violations of violations and a history of more than 260,000 emergencies related to violence against the female.

Además, is one of the lands of the most beautiful world to the pressure of the attacks of the authorities and of the organized crime, and in 2020 at least periodicals will be assigned to his work, in agreement with Reporters Without Frontiers (RSF). EFE
