Mexican company confirms that hizo el cobro a Agricultura and que llegaron a un arreglo

On February 18, the IPEM company sent a card to Pablo Anliker announcing that it would not pay the $ 9 million debt, it would seek international arbitration. These markets are conducting an interview with the MAG but are being silenced.

At 10:08 am of this Wednesday, the coordinator of communications of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ganadería (MAG), Alessandra Quiñónez, announced the silence that has been observed since the passing of April 7, when the version of this ministry about why it did not pay a debt of 9 million dollars to the company Integrator of Producers of the State of Mexico, SA of CV (IPEM).

“Good morning, the official position of the Mexican company IPEM”, written in a first message. I will add a document, communicated by the press, with a date of April 13, in which he says business, among other things, confirms that the intention of the notice published by this period on April 13, is to “affect the image of one of ours commercial societies ”, it is said, by the MAG, that the status of the content of the card has not been verified in the case of advertising on arbitration in cases where the debt is not paid.

LEA TAMBIÉN: Mexican company arranges international arbitration with MAG of the $ 9 million

The communiqué sent by Quiñónez indicates that there is no amenaza, pues product of “a sincere and frank dialogue with the governing authorities, especially with the recently named Minister of Agriculture and Ganadería, David Martínez, with whom I am already ”.

This is the last note that the Debt of Agriculture with IPEM is not in balance. Following the note of 18 February, sent by IPEM, its nine million dollars. When receiving the document sent by Quinonez, the question is whether the MAG will issue its version of the debt, to which it responds with a page. “If we go with taste”, aggregate.

LEA TAMBIÉN: Ministerio de Agricultura alimentos a sobreprecio, val saam Assamblea en comité de Veeduría

If it is the case that we appreciate that we have an interview with the Minister Pablo Anliker (named from the 6th of April as the Deputy Minister of the MAG, following the Decree published in the Official Diary with the date of the 7th of April), we have more questions what to do about the same case is debated with other implications that are derived from the failure of such debt. Quiñónez no volvió an answer.

For his part, the Minister David Martínez hizo eco of the communication of IPEM. “Some media, without the authorization of IPEM, have false and misleading publications. Note that there are periodicals that can affect our Gobierno… ”, posted on his Twitter account at 16:47 MAG.

Silence of the MAG.
Carta enviada a Agricultura en la que advierten de recurrir a arbitraje international. The Diy de Hoy managed, the four anteriorly, the official position of the MAG on the map in which the cobra varied millions of dollars; hasta este lunes, no hubo respuesta officially.
