Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? Ozil responds who is the best football player and confirms where to play – Diez

El mediocampista Mesut Ozil Interact with his Twitter followers and pronounce on his future lie of not entering the plans of Mikel Arteta In the Arsenal. The German acaba has contracted the next month of June and will make sure that no one thinks about the return.

Ladrones intentionan asaltar a Ozil y su companier lo rescata

” As for sure, there are two countries in which I like to play: Turkey and the United States. If he hiccups in Turkey only the harrier in the Fenerbahce ”, the footballer replied to one of the questions of the aficionados.

The Fenerbahce was the Turkish team that supported Pequeño in Germany. Every Turkish-German supports a strong crisis in Germany. My team, like the Real Madrid of Turkey ”, aggregates the world champion.

One of the most controversial topics in the career of Ozil fue su salida de la selección alemana. The judge who quarreled any claim to have been detained in the Teutonic Tomb.

Ozil reveals its 11 ideals in football and is a team

” I have great records of playing with the selection, we won the World Cup in Brazil and were part of a great era of German football. Never said I would like to play with Germany. It’s been a long time coming, but I’re not got my decision ”, he explained.

He also revealed that he had received a card from the German Federation, in the name of his president, Fritz Keller, addressing all the issues he is currently discussing.

Cristiano or Messi?

For another lad, lie to be the companion of Cristiano Ronaldo during its stage by the Real Madrid y enfrentar a Messi in classic varios, Ozil was asked about who is the best current footballer.

Ozil claims that Cristiano was sold on his sale to Arsenal

” Messi demonstrated one of the best in Spain, but Cristiano won the best in each country after the game ”, the sentence was rejected.

Sergio Ramos fue otro of his great companions and the consultant if he was the best defender of all the times. ‘Sí, has a world class lasting more than a decade and has been converted into a great leader. His ambition and mannerisms are impressive. I think it’s the best defense of the world of my generation ”.

