Messi gave me a free training shot, onverklaarbaar: Semedo

Mexico City /

La magic of Lionel Messi not only radica in all water that hace in the cancha, also in that which we practice but also the natural sale to separate the rest of the mortals. This was exactly what I was most surprised by Nelson Semedo, which compartment locker with the Argentine in Barcelona for three years.

Now Raúl Jiménez’s companion in Wolverhampton, Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person., which is simply taken from this natural that hace -para muchos- the best football player of history.

No tengo palabras to describe the good that is not. The most incredible thing is that we never draw flaws in training at any time while we are in Barcelona, ​​never mind. The rest are always practicabamos, but Messi never launched a flaw, so it was only natural salia. It’s an incredible player, it’s inexplicable “, the account in the diary The Telegraph.

“In one of our first games in Barcelona, ​​he hangs the balloon and has almost five players. Stay in the camp and think: ‘How can this type be done?’ Have the good guys play bad guys “.

What is Barcelona Semedo about? ‘Faltaba dinero’

In 2020, the Portuguese will be informed that the Economic crisis the club obliges to look for new horizons and fue entones that appear the Wolverhampton with an offer from 30 million euros mesh 10 and variables.

“When I was on holiday, I went to Barcelona and explained to me that there were economic problems and that there were one of the players that the club would make money from. In football everything can happen, but I was surprised when I was told that the floor was clear. “I made a big decision to go to the Wolves, but I did not think twice about it,” he said.
