Mes de la Mujer: Xóchitl Menneses, en el mundo de la medicina – Plaatsen van noticeings, Policiacas, sobre México y el Mundo | El Sol de San Juan del Río

Xóchitl Liliana Meneses Sánchez, wife, mother of 2 sons Angel and Joshua, is a dedicated female professional radical in the magic Pueblo Magic of Tequisquiapan, who is said to be a professional and passionate about knowing life and our existence, motivate in different areas such as: Colposcopy and inferences of the inferior genital tract of the female, Oncological immunotherapy, Palliative medicine and integral part of pain, and PsychoNeuroEndocrinolnmunology; specializes in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, and has a Master in Bioethics.

His professional development has been very enriching, our platicus, in the sense that, “I know my patients only as I feel as well as people with a whole story, I was inspired and motivated to continue studying to be able to do more recursos que ofrecerles ”, his patients, for his part, comment, he has contributed much to his personal and professional life.

The profound admiration hacia su padre, professional medicine, the motivation to choose this professional career, who with his example of constant study, love, dedication and commitment to his patients, “sembró en mi la semilla del servicio la la compassion en el sentido rights and depth of this word. For example, by the way, my mother-in-law and my mother-in-law love her, even when she is pregnant and pregnant, she is the mother of my dad’s patients. Creo que estos han sidos grande valores que me atrajeron desde niña y son los cimientos de la mujer professional que ahora soy ”–comenta- y destaca también que el poder servi a la persona that are atravesando por sufrimiento de una enfermedad dififile, a encontrar a motivation or one to continue learning from this life, from a proposal to his life that the line of meaning.

Interesting his opinion about the actual woman and her remains, about what we say the Dra. Xóchitl “believe that in the end we are seen as human beings and as perpetuities, we are thankful for the valence of many women that he has learned to talk about and that he hecho valer the place he occupies in the world. The women of today’s high who are recovering the place that our correspondence and creed that one of our great retreats is very clear what is going to happen, that we can dig into confusion that podrian will live in the chaos of our society and including ours. It is not easy to do so ”.

Currently, in the clinical area, Xóchitl Meneses is dedicated to owning the medicine in one of its formations, in addition, in the doctrine. Have a colonoscopy clinic to prevent and prevent gynecological cancer, infections by human papillomavirus both in men and women. In addition to a Support Team in Palliative Care (Nousmedik-IMCUPAL), working on different disciplines of the area of ​​health and humanity, transdisciplinary manner in order to achieve holistic approach to patient with chronically advanced age or family.

In the future, the Institute of Higher Education and Postgraduate Education will be held at the “Mexican Institute of Palliative Care and Logotherapy IMCUOAL Creesiendo juntos”, with academic responses from the Panamericana Association of Palliative Care of the University health and humanities in the form of more professionals in Palliative Care, Logotherapy and Art Therapy, among others.

También profesionalizan a Cuidadores en paliativos, un oficio, que, menciona, muchas personas hacen por experiencecia pero les lesta la academica y que en dicho Instituto logran diplomarse contand con las instuciones que le respaldan además de la Secretaria de Saludé esto In addition to being able to volunteer volunteers with coffee in Mexico with the number of “Mexican Composition”, spaces in which we quote: we would like to participate in these communication spaces to burn acquaintance with society on health and humanitarian issues , logotherapy (sentio de la vida) your art as therapeutic remedy, concludes.
