Merkel says its objective is to lift the pandemic restrictions that “are not justified”

The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel.  REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke
The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke

La canciller de Alemania, Angela Merkel, insure these games that Gobierno’s objective is to lift the restrictions in order to contain the coronavirus pandemic when it is unjustified, although not exactly fechas for it.

“All media are decided on the basis of the standards of our democracy, which is legitimate. But it is very good that as democracy we are obliged to maintain these restrictions on one of the most necessary and necessary days when they are not justified ”, dijo la mandataria.

In its declaration ante the Bundestag (German Parliament) to explain the decision of extend the restrictions until March 7, tomada el miercoles, Merkel indicates that The schools can gradually become more aware of the presence of this area, in accordance with the criteria of each state, y las peluquerías podrán reabrir a parter del primer dia del proximo mes.

REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke
REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke

The cancellation that hay “Buenas perspectivas” para that March 1 the incidence accumulated in these days increased by the 64.2 new cases for every 100,000 of which there are 50, level that is considered necessary in order to be able to return all the contact points.

For the repertoire of shops, museums and services that require prolonged physical contact, the new criterion brand consensus with the regional powers is located in a incidence no superior to 35, a perspective that qualifies as “correct and important”.

In a proximity phase of the restrictions that apply to those who affect contacts in the private space, the superior courses in educational centers, group and ocean sports, and restaurant restoration.

‘It will be a process gradually, even though it’s not possible to decide what the incidence will be with what we can do because what’s going on to take the risk of being caught in an exponential crime of new contagios and of “A great third partyIf the new variants of the virus, more infected, are impressed.

It is most common, assimilation, that “Abrir para volver a cerrar” does not provide the most predictability to the citizens who hope to have days to be able to guarantee that they can mediate in a continuous process.

REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke
REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke

In the last 24 hours, the sanitary authorities registered 10,237 new cases of coronavirus and 666 deaths, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute of Virology (RKI).

The number of positives from which to know the first contagio in the country the 27th of this year passed sum 2,310,233 – of the 2,087,600 patients recovered – and mortality rates with COVID-19 ascending to 63,635.

The number of patients with coronavirus in the Intensive Care Units (UCI) ascends the markets to 3,736, of the 2,095 customers – 56% – non-assisted respiration, according to the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI).

Munich, Germany.  REUTERS / Michaela Rehle
Munich, Germany. REUTERS / Michaela Rehle

On a day to register 349 new patient increments with COVID-19 in the UCI and 459 increments, of which 27% correspond to a fall incidence, specified the RKI.

El reproduction factor (R) which does not take into account the infections at an interval between days located in the German state in 0.82, which implies that each infected media contact with 82 other people.

Since December 26, the number of people he has received the first dose of some of the three vacancies available against COVID-19 in Germany ascending to 2,405,156, which corresponds to a quota of 2.9%, while 1,104,504 persons -un 1.3% – ya han obtenido la segunda dosis.

(With EFE information)


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