Menu and nutritional value: Healthy Food and people with Infantile Cerebral Palsy | Cocina | La Revista

By Lcda. Yaira L Doylet R. (MS Public Health)

Vocal Suplente of the Association of Nutritionists of Guayas ANUG

Cellular: 0983809255. Correo: [email protected]

Currently no reference is made to many people related to this type of condition. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), which is an indication of 15% of people who are an everyday position of a general type of discapacidad, esta condición de (PCI), consider dentro de ella.

We know that a person should not have a proper diet. What happens to those who have some type of neurological deficit that they are not allowed to eat properly? It is successful with the people who have infantile cerebral palsy; This problem, which originates from the disease, is not only affected by its psychomotor development, but also at the gastrointestinal level.

In them, different pathological disorders develop at the gastrointestinal level, such as diarrhea, esophagia, esophageal reflux, dehydration, which cause supranational nutrition to be severe. If patients have a balanced, balanced diet, these foods will help to alleviate the pathologies that present, have an improvement in their anemic state and to be slightly overweight.

Aspects of Food References

All the people that the rods need to be patient with their appetite. Deben comers fresh food, prepared instantly and every 3 hours. Take a post that comes in handy. His utensils to come should be with total asepsia. The portions that are needed are their little ones. Their foods should be easy to digest, give them creamy form, raspberries (fruits), pickled peppers.

Menu for people with Infantile Cerebral Palsy (PCI)


  • Leche de entera
  • 1 rebanada de pan

Media mañana


  • 1 queso soup soup soup

Tarde Media

  • Granola with yoghurt


  • Formula leche or soy baby (soy leche). (F)
