Memes of Cruz Azul. I have 10 victories and I celebrate with giants

Mexico City /

Three months and a half after having suffered one of the most humbling stories in its history, Cruz Azul vuelve illusionar a su afficion con su paso arrasador en el Guardians 2021 que lo pone con diez victorias consecutivas.

Impossible to avoid, the cementing action is willing to illusion, thanks to the good that played all over his team, especially Luis Romo and Jonathan “Cabecita” Rodríguez, this is a figure from the Atlas.

By si no bastara, los diez triunfos ayudan a igualar la best racha of victories in its history, which was first mentioned in the period 1971-1972, including the mandate of Raúl Cárdenas and which was part of a large year that included the title of the League.

And as it was to be hoped for, the memes would not be late to appear, as social speeches were inundated.
