Members of the Central PLD Committee respond to protests by the three parties

Integrants of the Central Committee of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) ensure that the Government has changed and modified other laws that the Criminal Code could include including the abolition of abortion in its three causes.

Representatives of the PLD, chaired by Chanel Rosa Chupany, Director of the National Health Service (SNS) and a member of the Central Committee of this party, presented to the National Palace where various organizations have a new campaign to advertise the absences .

Chanel makes sure that the causes do not have an imposition and that the women have the option to decide to abort both the three causes.

“The three triggers do not have an imposition, because quizzes are important to clarify because they have been manipulating the information, making sure that the three triggers in any case are an imposition, the three triggers that the abrenico de derechos, “The right of women, it is not obligatory for us to say that there is an option in the three cases in which he was”, “said the official.

It is said that the health service does not manage a statistic in relation to the number of women who perform abortions and that they are in a clandestine manner.

“In relation to the health services’ statistics, they are not registered as cases related to health services,” said Rosa Chupany.

Además explained that in the world alone in six countries it is illegal to perform an abortion and the Dominican Republic is one of them, because the women “resuscitate the clinics without facilities, are to resolve in their case for what they do is complicated more “and aggregate that it is a topic of derechos and public health and that only affects the women more poor in power and other countries to perform an abortion.

Claudia Rita Abreu, a member of the PLD’s Central Committee, agreed that the embargo on the three-party embargo should be waived, in no way affecting the citizens who create it in this alternative, because it is voluntary, without embarrassment. it does not approve, affects physics and emotionally to those women who need to choose the option to continue their life in a less traumatic manner.

“Our indignation shows that he violated the violations of nines, produced under the conditions of Islam by the Pandemic of Covid-19, without the Dominican State offering options over his body, of which two were killed and killed.”
