Member of the United States President Fesfut Reynaldo Vásquez | El Salvador News

Comes to the special audience that will determine at the moment will be sent to North American countries, which solicited by corruption in the games of the Selecta

Reynaldo Vásquez, the president of the Salvador Football Federation (Fesfut), is required by the state authorities and will be extradited to this country.

This day, the Juzgado Decim Quarter of Paz will hold a special hearing to determine, in a maximum space of 12 days, the logistics and security protocol (Covid-19) to be able to send to the North American directive.

It was announced in August 2017 that the extradition of the President of the Cuscatleca Federation had been determined, but this agreement should be taken into account when appraising the tribunals of employees in an undertaking that the legal representative, Mobilia SA fue of 8 years, reduced by good behavior to 5 that time, per continuous in the cell in the hope of its extraction.

“Dicha penal culminated on June 7, 2020, without embarrassment over not recovering his liberty, precisely because he had received the extradition petition made by the United States, which was reported by the New York District Court,” the informant said Isidro Menéndez Judicial Center.

The executive director of the Fesfut was appointed by a Standardization Commission, which was established in 2008 until 2010 in front of the deportation institution. However, since 2015, an investigation has been launched into derivation by the United States Complaints against organized crime, in particular, on the subject of corruption in FIFA.

MIRA TAMBIÉN: FIFA incapacitated by Fesfut president Reynaldo Vásquez

And it is the United States Department of Justice that has been accused of extorting money from the Media World company in exchange for market and television rights of the Salvadoran Selection of Football Mayor of the 2014 World Cup qualifier elimination games.

The Media World company started a relationship with Fesfut in October 2009, when both companies signed the first contract of rights (which was issued in 2013), in the wake of Vásquez.

In the special special stage of the Personal Commission of the Portuguese Executive Anonymous (CEPA), the Ministry of External Relations, Interpol and a representative of the Department of Migration of the United States, the objective of the scheme is to establish logistics and facilities Vásquez will be sent, always and positively to Coronavirus in the PCR tests.

The voluntary parties will meet on the 20th of this month to determine that all the documentation required and the logistics agreed upon to complete the transfer of the reo, which is located at the Center Penitenciario La Esperanza, known as Mariona.

Vásquez was disqualified for life by FIFA from any activity related to football federated by violating this Code of Ethics.

RECORD: Reynaldo Vásquez, President of the FESFUT, in the case

Vásquez Romero was elected President of the Fesfut Normalization Commission during the 2009-2010 period and is required by the United States Court of Justice for the crime of delictual association organized and his extradition authorized by the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court. of El Salvador, the 29th of August 2017, the case has now been effected that the accused has completed the money pen in El Salvador by the detention of labor costs ”, said the press release of the Judicial Center.
