Member of the Elenco of the Elite Series, born in the cell

One of the most popular series that has in Netflix es, sin duda, “Elite”, a juvenile drama that abarca suspenso, alkohol, dr * gas, ases1natos; sin embargo, this fiction acaba to trace the slippers after confirming the detention of a very important member of the series.

There is nothing more and nothing less than the property Netflix success guionista, Jaime Vaca, 43 years old, who lied about the fact that the Spanish police intercepted one of the calls from Madrid, was nervous and at the moment inspecting his belongings found crystal, ketamine, pink cocaine and Popper.

Si bien, en Spain, there are some types of psychotropic drugs that have legal consumption, important creams that mention the amount of substances that Vaca tenia in their power, superaban to the maximum allowed for personal consumption, by which the authorities consider as a traffic of substances ilicitas, giving as a result what he arrests.

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The famous Spanish Guionista was detained by the property National Police, in the city of Madrid, Jaime has edited various series of exits, tales such as “Elite”, “Velvet”, “Physics or Chemistry” and “Los Serrano”, which were performed in one of its mochilas, a mayoral term for permission, of various stupefying substances, by which the speculations of the superstition are discussed.

The accomodations ocurrieron el pasado domingo alrededor de las 9:45 horas, en la calle de la Palma, en el center de Madrid, junto con un grupo de personas, sin usar ningun typo de mascarilla o facialie protection, a pesar de la sanitaria .

While the multitude of people escaped from a sauna while the police intervened on various occasions during the last weeks, he confirmed the police incidents, these interventions were due to the fact that the residents of the house were reporting extracurricular activities in varias horas del día.

According to the security agents, and people like him all the time, the gunman is very nervous when he reads the police, even if he is the perpetrator of it, he should be careful to listen to them as soon as possible.

And as a result, when inspected, the police found a small boat with ecstasy lozenges, another distinct line of popper, crystal, five bolts with a ketamine suspension and another ball with “2CB”, which is an MDMA with and “LSD”.

for the sake of completeness, however, the amount of money spent on these extracts is the maximum allowed for personal consumption, and, in the end, Jaime Vaca tuvo who was arrested by delinquency in violation of public health.

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At the moment, the judicial future of the exit guionista will not be known, but it is probable that the sentence of the scribe will be between 3 and 6 years of imprisonment, without eliciting a corresponding correspondence and three times the price of the stupidities that tenía en su poder.

The Criminal Code advises that the illegal use and possession of drugs in public spaces constitutes an infringement, as the case may be, in the National Plan on Drugs of the Ministry of Health, for example, as a general failure to comply with the result of this , a sentence of up to 6 years in prison.

The highlight of his career lies in the fact that he runs the premieres to collaborate on one of the first Spanish series of Netflix: “Las Chicas del Cable”, in the news, continuously working for this platform.

After having been the leader of the famous “Elite” adolescent series in the first and second seasons, now the coordinates of the young men of the third
