Melania Trump troef el silencio y genera revuelo tras revelar su posture sober la toma del Capitolio | El Salvador News

The first lady praised the “passion and enthusiasm” in the presidential elections on November 3, but did not refrain from the implicit intention of his annulment of the results.

The first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, finally pronounced the moon over the week of the congress last week by partisans of her speech, denouncing her object of “attacks” and being maligned.

His silence called for much attention to the national crisis that plagued the markets, when President Donald Trump, who insisted the robbery led the election, led to a large number of supporters marching on the Congress, which agreed to Joe Biden’s Triumph Certificate.

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The President of the United States, Donald Trump, and the first lady, Melania Trump, are set to launch Air Force One on December 23, 2020, traveling through Mar-a-lago to Navidad and Año Nuevo. Photo: AFP

The unfortunate turbulent turmoil in the Capitol is affecting officials and confronting the police, forcing the evacuation of legislators and creating chaos that has affected the entire world. The asonada dej cinco kills.

Melania Trump’s first public reaction was due to a line of typographical errors posted on the Casa Blanca’s web site, where the first lady said “deciphered and decimated with the week passed”.

“Absolutely know the violence that must take place in the Capitol. Violence is never acceptable, ”he wrote.

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But his apparent disillusionment with the fact that he also treats the fact that he received the sentence of resignation without precedent in the coronation of state democracy.

“I seem to have forgotten that in these tragic events there are habitual schemes, unjustified personal attacks and false and engaging accusations against me, of people who may be relevant and have themes that they want to advance,” writes Melania Trump, without hesitation.

In his statement, he also expressed his condolences to the families of the five dead in the disturbances, enumerating the names of the trumpeters who failed like that of Brian Sicknick, a police officer who failed to cause the hereditary defeats during the demonstration.

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The first lady praised the “passion and enthusiasm” in the November 3 presidential elections, but did not refrain from the implicit intention of his annulment of the results.

“Our nation must recover from civilized manners. Do not equate with respect, absolutely condemn the violence that pervades the Capitol of our nation. Violence is never acceptable, ”said Melania Trump.

The Trump condemns the White House on January 20, when Biden as well as the 46th President of the United States.
