Mel Zelaya niega haber recibido sobornos de ‘Los Cachiros’

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- Read that in the testimony of the ex-leader of the card of “Los Cachiros”, Estimate Leonel Rivera Maradiaga, saliere to relocate his name by having received money from the narcotics traffic, the president of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya, has rounded out dichos senalamientos.

“Probeba onweerlegbaar that no sobriety has ever been received by a minister, nor by the organized crime, nor by the pressure of the American embassy”, was the message posted by ex-governor Zelaya on her Twitter account of the surgeons’ comments Surrito Sur in New York.

LEA TAMBIÉN: Exlíder de Los Cachiros dice que pagó sobornos a JOH, Manuel Zelaya y Ricardo Álvarez

Previously, the number of the leader of the party Liberty and Refund He also said goodbye during the first hearing against Fuentes, and revealed that the drug addict’s contact Zelaya had on his telephone agenda.

Arremetió contra JOH previo a la audience

In the prevailing times of the trial against Geovanny Fuentes, el exmandatario arremetió kontra el werklike president Juan Orlando Hernández in the social network, ensuring that the United States of America fights brindaron support to Hernandez to know that these ten different signs of being involved in the organized crime.

PHOTOS: Sobornos a JOH, Mel Zelaya in all the functions of the governor, the revelations of the court of justice against Geovanny Fuentes

The testimony of Devis Leonel Rivera Maradiaga in the trial against Geovanny Fuentes has sued many of the cornerbacks of the Honduran political class with the structures of drug trafficking.

VEA: Juan Orlando Hernández, EEUU’s friend fired for drug trafficking in Honduras
