‘Mel’ Zelaya considers that ‘Free’ surpasses the meta ‘in primary elections

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, President of Honduras (2006-2009) and Coordinator of Freedom and Refund Party (Libre) considered this viernes the number of votes that obtuvo the political institution in internal elections as “meta superada”.

Free, which competes in presidential scans with 4 presidential candidates (Wilfredo Méndez, Nelson Ávila, Xiomara Castro, Carlos Eduardo Reina), has recently received 505,616 votes, with 804 acts to be signed.

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The sale of Xiomara Castro, wife of Zelaya and also a candidate in 2013 y 2017 (although he submitted his candidacy to Salvador Nasralla in general elections) is irreversible, with a 78% of the preference of the voters of Free.

The President stated that we would like to have three months to overcome them 400 000 votes and, by the way, his historical register in primary comics. National Party, in fact, has surpassed the million votes and the LiberaI lose 758 000.

Also: April 13 CNE declares primary election winners

Sondeverbod, impregnations for presumptive anomalies in the elective process he salpicado a Free: Multiple presidential candidates, candidates and deputies consider that supremacy will increase the practice of consolidated candidates within the movements.

The Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) has confirmed that the impugnaciones will be evaluated in the corresponding instances. The installations have been approved, including in file, candidates who are considered to have acted.

CNE will officialize primary election winners April 13, case 1 month after the celebration of primary elections, March 14, in an atypical journal in the history of the country, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
