Meghan Markle, Prince Harry described ‘hypocritical professional victims’ by Piers Morgan for Oprah sitting

Piers Morgan spoke out in front of Meghan Markle and Harry’s highly anticipated sit-down with Oprah Winfrey, which airs on Sunday – and he did not hold back.

The British TV host said he was surprised why the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were giving an interview when they had previously expressed their desire for privacy.

Morgan hugged the royal couple and raised actress Greta Garbo from the 1930s, who famously said “I want to be alone” on screen. Not only did the star leave Hollywood, but she hit the spotlight completely and avoided interviews until her death in 1990 at the age of 84.

“They were sick of the terribly intrusive British press,” he wrote for the British DailyMail on Monday. “Sick of the constraints of royal life, sick of being criticized, and desperate for a new life in America that would free them from their terrible lives. Above all, they wanted privacy.”


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's sit with Oprah Winfrey will be broadcast on CBS on Sunday.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s sit with Oprah Winfrey will be broadcast on CBS on Sunday.
(Reuters, AP)

“… They no longer have to perform royal duties, even though they retain their royal titles,” Morgan said. “They can lead exactly the lives they want. They’re free! But it seems the only thing Meghan and Harry wanted was to be left alone.”

The 55-year-old pointed out that Harry, 35, appeared before the television interview in The Late Late Show, where he discussed his personal life with host James Corden.

‘… Harry blamed the’ toxic ‘British press for the decision to leave Britain and the royals during his bus interview, and in the Oprah tease he says it was to prevent Meghan in the same way as she ma beland. [Princess Diana], “Morgan wrote.” Of course, he has said this many times, and there will be many who sympathize with a man who as a young boy had to walk behind his mother’s coffin after being killed in a car accident. “

“… Yes, she was chased by paparazzi, as always, but Diana played the media game hard and fast when it suited her, as I can attest from numerous personal experiences that she teamed up with me directly when I read a newspaper was. editor, about stories and photos, “he claims.” I now see the same contradictory trait in Meghan and Harry – an angry presence that they hate the attention of the media, but a constant willingness to use the media when it they fit. “


Actress Greta Garbo left Hollywood and gave up on her interviews until her death.

Actress Greta Garbo famously left Hollywood and gave up on her interviews until her death.
(Photo by Sunset Boulevard / Corbis via Getty Images)

According to Morgan, although the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expected to describe the struggle they experienced as royalty in the public eye, many people around the world are still dealing with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

He also implied that the TV broadcast was a bad time as Harry’s grandfather, Prince Philip, remained in hospital. Buckingham Palace had earlier confirmed the 99-year-old Queen Elizabeth II man was being treated for an infection.

“It really takes a staggering amount of self-destructive narcissism to say the words after a year in which 2.5 million people died in a global pandemic and tens of millions of people lost their jobs and suffered severe hardship,” he wrote. .

‘Telling them about the glorious safe luxury of a millionaire in California, while the glorious sun shines on you and your family all year long, while exchanging gazillions trading your royal status, is the most toned-down load of real rubbish. , “he kept smoking.” And to do it all while Harry’s grandfather, Prince Philip, is seriously ill in a London hospital, it’s honest.


Piers Morgan (left) was previously critical of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Piers Morgan (left) was previously critical of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

“But what more can we expect from a couple who recently tried to lecture the Queen on service?” he concluded. “The only service these two self-absorbed, extremely hypocritical, professional victims know is self-service.”

The interview, titled ‘Oprah With Meghan and Harry: A CBS Primetime Special’, airs on March 7.

“Winfrey will speak to Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, in an extensive interview, which discusses everything from entering as a royal, marriage, mother, philanthropic work to how she handles life under intense public pressure,” according to CBS. . “Later, Prince Harry joins the two as they talk about their move to the United States and their future hopes and dreams for their growing family.”

The couple lives in Montecito, California, where they are neighbors of Winfrey, 67, who also attended their wedding.

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex currently live in California with their firstborn Archie.  They are expecting their second child.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex currently live in California with their firstborn Archie. They are expecting their second child.

Markle (39) was married in May 2018 to the queen’s grandson (36) at Windsor Castle. Their son, Archie, was born a year later.

The couple walked away from full-time royal life in March 2020, unhappy about the media controls and the austerity of their roles. They call what they describe as the intrusions and racist attitude of the British media towards the Duchess, an African-American.

It was agreed that the situation would be reviewed after a year. On Friday, Buckingham Palace confirmed that the couple would not be performing royal duties again and Harry would relinquish his honorary military titles – a decision that would make the couple’s separation from the royal family formal and final.

The couple confirmed that “they will not return as working members of the royal family.”


Prince Philip, 99, is currently in hospital for an infection.

Prince Philip, 99, is currently in hospital for an infection.

A spokesman for the couple slammed back after suggestions that Markle and Harry were not committed to duty.

“As is evident from their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the United Kingdom and around the world, offering their continued support to the organizations they have represented, regardless of their official role, “the spokesman said in a statement.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
