Meghan Markle faces bullying claims ahead of Oprah interview

Meghan Markle is accused of bullying at least two palace aides during her short term as senior British kingdom.

Sources told The Times of London that the Duchess of Sussex occasionally reduced to tears when she lived in Kensington Palace after her May 2018 wedding to Prince Harry.

In one alleged incident, a royal assistant who was expecting a confrontation with Markle told a colleague, “I can’t stop shaking.”

Two senior members of the palace staff were allegedly bullied to leave their jobs, the British newspaper reported.

A third former assistant said they were personally ‘humiliated’ by the former TV actress.

Another former staff member told the Times that the situation “feels more like emotional cruelty and manipulation, which can also be called bullying.”

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle speak during an interview with Oprah Winfrey
The bullying allegations come in advance of an interview the couple did with Oprah Winfrey – in which Markle is ready to claim that life in the royal family was “almost unsustainable”.

The couple’s communications assistant at the time, Jason Knauf, reported the behavior in October 2018, apparently in an effort to protect staff, the report said.

‘I am very concerned that the Duchess has been able to bully two PAs outside the household in the past year. The treatment of X * was totally unacceptable, ”reads the HR complaint.

“The Duchess apparently intends to always have someone in her sights,” Knauf apparently continued. ‘She’s bullying Y and wants to undermine her confidence. We have had report after report of people who have witnessed unacceptable behavior towards Y. ”

He added: “I remain concerned that nothing will be done.”

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle speak during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.
The couple’s communications assistant at the time, Jason Knauf, reported the behavior in October 2018.

The newspaper’s sources said Buckingham Palace was more concerned about making the situation disappear instead of addressing it.

“Senior people in the household knew they had a situation where staff members, especially young women, were being bullied to tears,” said one person.

“The institution just kept protecting Meghan. All the men in gray suits she hates have a lot to answer for because they did absolutely nothing to protect people. ‘

A Sussex spokeswoman said the 39-year-old Markle denied all allegations of harassment and that he was “saddened” by the latest attack on her character, especially as someone who was the target herself. ‘

The allegations come before an all-in-one interview the couple conducted with Oprah Winfrey – in which Markle is poised to claim that life in the royal family was “almost unlivable”.

She and Harry, 34, will talk about their decision to leave the royal family and move to California with their baby son, Archie.
