Meghan Markle calls bullying claims ‘calculated smear campaign’

Meghan Markle has rocked reports of her bullying royal assistants as a ‘calculated smear campaign’ to bend over from her instant Oprah TV specialist.

“Let’s just call it what it is – a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and damaging misinformation,” a spokesman for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex told the Times of London about the allegations.

Insiders, according to the newspaper, claimed that during her short tenure as senior royal staff members, the Duchess reduced to tears and even bullied two senior members to leave their jobs.

“It is no coincidence that distorted accusations of a few years old, aimed at undermining the Duchess, are being presented to the British media shortly before she and the Duke have to speak openly and honestly about their experience of recent years. , “the spokesman said. Oprah special.

Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the alleged bullying.
Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the alleged bullying.
Joe Pugliese / Harpo Productions via AP

‘The Duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character, especially as someone who was the target of bullying herself and committing herself to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma.

Jason Knauf was Meghan Markle and the former communications assistant to Prince Harry.
Jason Knauf was Meghan Markle and the former communications assistant to Prince Harry.
Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

“She is determined to continue to develop compassion around the world and will continue to set an example in doing what is right and doing what is right,” the spokeswoman said.

A spokeswoman for Meghan Markle said 'the Duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character.
A spokeswoman for Meghan Markle said “the Duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character.”

Buckingham Palace declined to comment to the UK Times. However, senior royal sources told MailOnline that the complaints were not orchestrated by the palace, saying the royal family was focused on Prince Philip’s health problems because he was staying in a hospital.

A spokesman for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry called the allegations a
A spokesman for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry called the allegations a “calculated smear campaign”.
Joe Pugliese / Harpo Productions via AP
