Meghan Markle apparently plans to elect her US President

Meghan Markle is reportedly already networking with senior Democrats to help her ambitions to become the first female U.S. president.

The Duchess of Sussex has previously told friends about her political ambitions – and now hopes that her large-scale Oprah Winfrey interview will strengthen support in the US, sources told the newspaper Mail on Sunday.

According to a senior British politician who served under former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and has close ties to Washington, she has openly worked with senior Democrats to build fundraising teams and a campaign for the White House.

“The Blairist, internationalist and democratic party networks are buzzing with talks about Meghan’s political ambitions and potential supporters,” the anonymous source told the British newspaper.

It is suspected that Markle, 39, will be looking at the 2024 campaign if President Biden, who turns 82, decides not to run for a second term, the source said. If successful, it would make her the first female U.S. president.

Her biographer and friend, Omid Scobie, has also previously claimed that the former actress “focused her eyes on the US presidency”.

‘Meghan is the personification of the American dream. One day we may see Meghan become president, ” the author of ‘Finding Freedom: Harry, Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family’ told a documentary earlier.

Another friend also told Vanity Fair last year that the Duchess would seriously consider electing him president. ‘

“One of the reasons she was so reluctant to give up her American citizenship was that she had the option to go into politics,” the unidentified friend told Markle’s time manager in the UK.

Another biographer had previously insisted that the Duchess does not have the “skin of a rhino to present”, with her sensitivity to criticism only further emphasized during her sit-up with Oprah.

“I definitely want to make it clear that she has no chance of ever serving as a presidential candidate. She would be eaten alive, “Andrew Morton, author of” Meghan: A Hollywood Princess, “told Vanity Fair last year.
