Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ‘wrestle with their position in life’ after retirement | Royal | News

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down as senior members of the royal family last year. Meghan and Harry move to the US with their baby son Archie.

ITN news anchor Tom Brady said he thought Prince Harry was sad about the situation with his family.

But he added the couple is “happy” with their new situation and excited about their projects.

Mr. Brady was a guest at the Sussexes’ wedding in 2018 and he previously interviewed the couple before they decided to retire from royal life.

During an interview on Love Your Weekend With Alan Titchmarsh, which is set to air today, Mr. Brady talked about Meghan and Harry.

He said: ‘I think they are satisfied, and the things they do are very excited about it.

“I think Harry is sad.

“You do not necessarily have to have the knowledge to know it, but I think it is true.”

Mr Brady added: ‘The situation with the family is clearly not ideal. It has been a difficult year. ‘

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He said: ‘It is painful everywhere, painful for everyone, difficult to manage.

“Effectively, they just decided to leave the royal family completely, it’s never been done.”

In an interview with mr. Brady for the documentary ‘Harry & Meghan: An African Journey’, which was filmed before the Sussexs performed, explained to the Duchess how she had been warned by her British friends.

Meghan said: ‘I had no idea, which is probably hard to understand here.

“When I first met my now-husband, my friends were very happy because I was so happy, but my British friends said to me, ‘I’m sure he’s great, but you should not do that, because the British tabloids will destroy your life. “

Since moving to the US, Meghan and Harry have signed agreements with streaming giants Netflix and Spotify.

Royal commentators expect the Sussex to return to the UK.

Phil Dampier, author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan In Their Own Words, claims that the first reunion of Sussexes and Cambridges will be ‘uncomfortable’.

He told the Sun: ‘I think it’s going to be very uncomfortable if they meet.

“In my opinion, the split is not much better at the moment – they do not talk much.

“I think they’re going to put a united front for the unveiling of Diana’s statue, and I’m sure they’ll have a united front for the birthday celebrations, but behind the scenes I think there’s going to be a lot of tension.”
