Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be relieved of the remaining royal protection as palace props for Oprah

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry decided to give an interview to their friend Oprah Winfrey after becoming aware that they would be stripped of all their remaining royal ties when the terms of their exit package from the royal family were reviewed on 31 March, was it claimed Tuesday.

The Daily mail According to Buckingham Palace insiders, the interview, which is set to air on CBS on March 7, was arranged by Meghan (39) and Harry (36) because the couple could see ‘the direction of the journey’ regarding their future royal role.

The Mail, whose publishers Associated Newspapers humiliatingly lost a sincere privacy campaign set up by Meghan last week, says the couple is now almost certain the queen will ask for their remaining ties with any organizations passed down by the royal family, to give up.

Harry will have to relinquish his three remaining honorary military titles, as well as his key role as royal support for the London Marathon. Meghan will be asked to step down as patron of the National Theater, but the Mail suggests that she might be able to negotiate another position with them.

Strikingly, the palace seems eager to show that he is not retaliatory or vindictive towards Meghan, who is pregnant, and Harry, who says that the move to strip the couple of their last remaining royal titles is not a reaction on the interview is not. The suggestion is that Harry and Meghan could simply sense in which direction the wind was blowing and climbed out in front of it.

The Daily Beast understands that Buckingham Palace was not informed of the interview in advance, but court officials tried to end any feelings of grievance on Monday night, and sources said that since the couple no longer work royals, decisions on ‘media obligations’ is important to them, ”and that they were“ under no obligation ”to notify the palace of their plans.

Although it is unlikely to affect the royals as badly as Prince Andrew’s 2019 interview with Newsnight and Princess Diana’s 1995 interview with Bomb Panorama, there is probably a certain fear of what Meghan may reveal in the interview. It is believed that the palace is particularly nervous about possible allegations of racism or sexism and the resolution of ‘old counts’. The times reports.

However, Meghan and Harry sitting down with Winfrey is not an unexpected development.

The talk show host attended the couple’s wedding in 2018, after meeting Meghan only once before, and since then they have maintained the couple.

In 2019, it was announced that she and Harry were collaborating on a documentary on mental health and Winfrey was also photographed visiting Meghan’s mother, Doria, at her home in Los Angeles. They live close to each other in Montecito and Winfrey used her social media swing to stuff a brand of coffee drinks in which Meghan invested.

One source told the Mail that the forthcoming sitting with Winfrey was ‘one of the most inevitable and, alas, predictable consequences’ of the couple leaving the royal family.
