Megan Thee Stallion shares new photos of Hottie Bootcamp results

  • Megan Thee Stallion is working on Hottie Bootcamp, and she’s been showing her results for a week.
  • The singer says she is focused on the health journey and to ‘get healthier’.
  • Megan has been doing high-intensity boxing exercises with her trainer Tim and refurbishing the contents of her refrigerator.

    Megan Thee Stallion can ‘t talk right now, she’s doing a hot girl sh * t. Lately, it means ‘Hottie Bootcamp’, which is her new health journey. And she shares all about it with her fans on Instagram.

    Megan is in her healthy ‘Hottie Bootcamp’ for one week, and she notices all the results. She co-wrote a series of mirror selfies revealing her changing bottom. ‘WEEK 1 is complete 😝 we’ve done some results or whatever to see the progress.’ The ‘WAP’ singer did not share specific goals with the public. For her: “It’s about getting healthier in general and seeing how I can transform my body in the healthiest way.”

    Megan started it a week ago with an IGTV video and explained her plan while sleeping on her couch. She wrote: “So Hottie Bootcamp in my house officially starts! It’s not necessarily a weight loss journey, but a health journey. You will experience it every step of the way with me 😝 real healthy girl shit … ‘

    This content is imported from Instagram. You can find the same content in a different format, or you can find more information on their website.

    Then she refurbished her fridge and got rid of all the “rubbish”. “I like to snack and like to eat what I want to eat. And I just feel like lately the things I ate were not so good for my body,” she explained.

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    Meg added an indemnity: “Throw out junk food 🥺 Today I cleaned the fridge to the best of my ability. Ps. Untouched food was not shown and I will donate it. I just had to show my commitment to get rid of the rubbish 💙. “

    This content is imported from Instagram. You can find the same content in a different format, or you can find more information on their website.

    Megan also turned on her workout for Hottie Bootcamp. So far, she has shared a serious boxing exercise. Her coach, Tim, put on booklets, and Megan punched and kicked her heart out. She moves continuously in the video.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You can find the same content in a different format, or you can find more information on their website.

    It is no wonder that she admitted that she drank a liter (!!) of water. I’ll pick up a big glass of water for Megan and her Hottie Bootcamp!

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