Meet “Hellraiser”, Kevin Hart’s 1000 HP Dodge Charger, 1970

Kevin Hart’s 1970s-powered Plymouth Cuda, powered by Hellcat, crashed in October 2019, creating a unique build of SpeedKore. But that gave him the chance to replace it with something better, and turned to SpeedKore again for a project that became known as the “Hellraiser”.

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The Wisconsin-based car shop has chosen to drop the standard Hellcat car this time around, but rather the even more absurd Mopar Hellephant crate car. It is the same engine, but in a tune that makes 1000 hp rather than 707. The company then designed a framework for the construction work with an integrated roll cage.

The frame supports a completely custom carbon fiber body. The company scanned a 1970 Dodge Charger and recreated the mold in carbon perfectly, which was exposed in the final building at Hart’s request. The suspension has also been redesigned, with a front changed from a C6 Corvette and Ford rear. The gearbox is the same 8-speed automatic used in the current Hellcat. A custom interior and outlet to the market complete the wild building.

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