Medicine opens the door to other posterior specialties

About salads that have the career of medicine habló Juan Abarca, physician and president of the HR hospitals, who are considering esta área como “the most beautiful profession that exists because, apart from having economic remuneration and social benefit, they have the permanent satisfaction that, with a simple sonrisa, you can generate a great living in a person who does not know what he or she is doing ”.

In his power, Abarca destacó que The Medicine opens the gates posteriorly to other specialties: “If you have the opportunity to do medicine, then you can opt to do psychiatry or investigate any type of health sciences, while they choose a priori biology, psychology or chemistry, in the final solo centers in eso ”. For this, with medicine, the posterior electoral spectrum is the most likely.

Very related to this power stub the intervention of biologist and geneticist David Bueno, which animated the future aspirants to biologists and studied a “career who has experienced an explosion of salads and applications, from the medium-sized media to science, passing on to pharmacology, biotechnology, biomedicine, biochemistry, nutrition or oceanography ”.

Good morning “Interpret the obstacles as goals that we can surpass” and considers that “the main engine of personal progress is not to end with a super-reconnaissance work, so make sure that it is well done and, above all, it is good: it is the best guarantee of happiness”. “Everything he has in my life has kept me entertained,” he concluded.
