Medicine of pain: a little-known specialty that makes you strong

Dr. Santiago Samuel Guaycochea is a Clinical Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine and Medicine of Dolor, being one of the national references in these frameworks. Hoy is ours most about these specialties that he does not have so much repercussion and that, in fact, there is already great transcendence. ‘

“Medicine of Dolor is the discipline of medicine dedicated to the study, research and treatment of pain in all its forms (as well as chronic) and which has to avoid the physical and psychic supremacy of the patient and his entourage”, said Santiago, director of Pain Care Center who added that “everyone knows more about this specialty, both on the part of colleagues as well as on the part of patients, as long as one consults or continues to consult with others”.

When do you have chronic pain?

The chronic pain is defined as that which presents a mayoral duration of 6 months, since the lumbar pain is the main cause, followed by oncological and rheumatological procedures. In mayors of 65 years, have a frequency that exceeds 50%. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines the pain as: “a disgraceful sensory and emotional experience that is related to real tisular data or potential, which is described in terms of this day”. It is estimated that 1 in 5 people experience some type of chronic pain.

The person, and all of his entourage, are affected by the chronic pain of physical, psychological, and social manners, many of which are associated with partial or total disability. The personal impact of chronic pain in the life of the person depends on the severity and duration of the pain, as well as the medical capacity and the capacity to burn the patient the most treatment. Despite the magnitude of the problem that acarrea is having chronic pain, the same thing continues to be an unfavorable syndrome for colleagues and is treated in a large percentage of cases of inadequate form.

How do you get patients to the pain centers?

The truck that recovers these patients is not uncommon, in its majority not finding alibi to have tried various drugs and other therapies. Only 10% of these patients are referred directly to a specialized center. It is common that the patient is very tired of such medical visits, increasing his anguish and desperation. The Mayor of patients accepts for the derivation of colleagues, recommendation of other patients, and derivatives of his social works or prepagas.

What are the things that can be done to help?

In our center we offer an integral patient treatment with pain, multidisciplinary, covering therapies as pharmacological, rehabilitation as minimally invasive techniques. For these we specialize in specialist kinesiologists, osteopaths, specialists in RPG (global postural reeducation), aquatic therapy, psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical physicians, oncologists, among other specialties.

Many patients try pharmaceutics in dosage and associations inadvertent at the onset of treatment, while presenting adverse effects on the mice. It is hoped that the patient will be able to maintain his confidence in the pharmacy and many other things that he recommends. Importantly, it is a treatment that is a “journey through the Middle Ages”.

Not all tolerant patients tolerate a pharmacological treatment, and all tolerant patients of the same form a rehabilitation treatment. For this reason, the manner of professionals with specific knowledge of pharmacies, indications and interactions, as well as the strict supervision and clear explanation of these are very important. Ya que manyos ellos son poco conocidos, u otros como la morphina tiene manyos mitos a su alrededor. The treatment of pain in the patient is a right, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO).

More information and: Dr Santiago Guaycochea Member of the Argentine Society for the Study of Dolor (AAED) – Member of the Spanish Society Multidisciplinary Dolor (SEMDOR) – Coordinator of Medicine of Dolor del Sanatorio Otamendi, Swiss Medical Group and Medicus. Email Address: [email protected] – Instagram: @pain_care_center // Phone: 01149616468/01149616619

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