Medical students protesting in New Leon to demand better conditions

In Chiapas varias estudiantes de Medicina protestaron para exigir justicia van Mariana Sánchez (Foto: Tiwitter / @ Erika_Velasco_)
In Chiapas varias estudiantes de Medicina protestaron para exigir justicia van Mariana Sánchez (Foto: Tiwitter / @ Erika_Velasco_)

Alrededor of 50 students and practitioners of the career of Medicine se reunieron adelante del Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Nuevo León, of Monterrey. The motive of his questions was to be demanded only in the northern state mayor security for medical futures, sino a todos los estados del país give the conditions in which various students need to present their social services and practices.

Determine specific cases. A first place, Mariana Sánchez, who was a student of the Autonomous University of Chiapas (Unach) and haci su social service at the New Palestine Clinic. Había denounced, ante la Fiscalia of Chiapas and the Secretariat of Health, que fue sexually aggravated for integrators of the clinic where it is located. The investigation into two segments and the passage January 28 death hallaron a la joven en su habitación.

In the second place, a Jorge López, a medical practitioner for 29 years, who provides service for the hospital doctor José María Rodríguez. Murió el pasado 4 de enero due to complications due to Covid-19. This is a short story from Jorge find that work in the Integrated Protection Team (EPI), se contagiara yfis obliged to follow patients to meet his health conditions.

Photo of the demonstration of Mariana Sánchez and Chiapas (Photo: Tiwitter / @ Erika_Velasco_)
Photo of the demonstration of Mariana Sánchez and Chiapas (Photo: Tiwitter / @ Erika_Velasco_)

It is for that, with its distance debtor and the means of protection necessary, the students mostraron pancartas with various messages from destacaban “Ni una menos” y “The passers-by are not unfit”. Those who were born during the Provence protest of different institutions such as the Nuevo León Autonomous University (UANL), el Tec de Monterrey, la Universidad Valle de México and the University of Monterrey.

Posteriormente, the Secretary of Health of New Leon, Manuel Enrique de la O Cavazos, reunite with these students for invite them to chat during the press conference of Covid-19 of the day. Cavazos the reconciliation with students in the UANL.

A student who is presented as Gabriela señaló que, a raíz del caso de Mariana Sánchez, not only does the induction indicate of the Community of Medicine in various parts of the country, sino que fue también un parteaguas para denunciar otros tipos de abuso que viven various students and practitioners all days when going to clinics and hospitals.

Manuel de la O Cavazos pidió que cuidarán a los futuros médicos como sea posible (Foto: Twitter @DrManueldelaO)
Manuel de la O Cavazos pidió que cuidarán a los futuros médicos como sea posible (Foto: Twitter @DrManueldelaO)

‘I have a baby a testimonial on behalf of other patients and ex-patients. In social networks, more than nothing, in those have precarious conditions which he passed on in his social service. This our level and manifestations of the pacific way y buskar que se nos escuchen, que se Separate conditions are the conditions we want to change”.

Destacó que haoi medical cases which is the month since graduation and siguen sin recibir su titulo, by those who are different (the students that Cavazos invited to the press row) siguen yendo a sus guardias sin haber recibido la vacuna.

All invited students will declare that are not complaining about anything, that is not because of a lack of vocation in his career and that tampoco is demanding that mandarins need to perform their services, sino que those with the certainty that they will work with the security security services. No solo para count with the necessary team, sino also for feel a salvo in the cabins from laboran.

Invite four UANL students to discuss the reasons for their protest (Capture: Facebook Gobierno del Nuevo León)
Invite four UANL students to discuss the reasons for their protest (Capture: Facebook Gobierno del Nuevo León)

Hello, Cavazos coincides with alumni y dijo “They are all our respect”. Después hizo un llamado a todos “los alcaldes y alcaldesas” of the state of New Leon a burn the necessary protection for medical students and practitioners. ‘I would like to help you. They care about their people y los alcaldes y las alcaldesas tienen that mandar a patrol and that is vigilando the health centers”.


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