Medical students denounced by UASD will be fired every month

SANTO DOMINGO.- A total of 375 medical students at the internal level of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo denounce that this academy pretends to retrieve new measures from its career because hospitals do not have the capacity to receive medical practices.

The Internal Medicine Rotary Service has initiated the principle this year and will return by September of this year by the university, according to the Director of the School of Medicine, Rocio Caridad.

Ransel Villa student of the Faculty of Medicine of this academy dijo that the referred group is required to enter in March

Indicating that the entry into the internal would be considered in a manner considered and adding that the number of internals would exceed the limit required by the hospitals.

“The university decided to announce its admissions to the pre-school, in the manner that a group of approximately 375 students lost six months of their careers by the court from which the mid-term studies were not taken”, according to Villa to record that will enter the entrance to a medical and posterior specialty of the galenos in process.
