Medical students anuncian paro, exigen justicia para Mariana

The alumni of the Faculty of Humanities of the Autonomous University of Chiapas (Unach), announced an immediate and indefinite pair of activities to demand justice and the resolution of the feminism of its partner Mariana de Lourdes Sánchez Dávalos.

The student association of the licentiates in Médico Cirujano y Gerontología exigió, in a map directed to the university, that “are the corresponding actions against women in the case of omissions in the denunciations” of the young Medicine Pasante Del Servic

Mariana Sánchez, from 24 years of age, has been serving social services at a New Palestine clinic in the municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, has died on the 28th of January.

Ten months ago, the young man denounced sexual aggression on the part of members of the community in performing his social services, both the Taxation of Chiapas and the Secretariat of Health of the state, for the investigation in advance.

Lee: #JusticiaParaMariana: Hallan kills a patient who has taken social services in Chiapas

After the incident, Mariana sought out the sanitary and school authorities to rehabilitate him in another community, but only to limit himself to vacations a month and not to transfer him to another zone without further ado, indicating his companions.

In a statement, the Committee of Medical Students of the State of Chiapas (CEMECH) announced that the case of Mariana had not been attended to and would require changes in the processes and in the protection of the alumni, internals or patients.

In the case of Mariana, the Secretariat of Health issued a statement saying it would limit “any act of violence against women” in its dependence.

También also said that “institutional angles will be strengthened to ensure that medical students and people serve public cargo of education programs with necessary resources to prevent, denounce and / or attend any case.

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