Medical experts between keyboards to extend AstraZeneca’s vacancy operation

Medical experts with claves to extend the operation of the Astrazeneca vaccine.  Photo: Getty Images

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Medical experts with claves to extend the operation of the Astrazeneca vaccine. Photo: Getty Images

The Oxford University biologist has recently been embroiled in controversy over the recorded cases of coagulation and thrombosis caused by the Vacuna Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca). Health studies and organizations have responded to the efficacy and advised that the risk of receiving the immunological dose is low, compared with the level of efficacy. Given this panorama, and the various doubts that he raised in the global publication on this topic, it is important to understand the actuation of biology in the human body:

How did the AstraZenaca vaccine act against the COVID-19 virus?

Doctor Nancy Yomayusa, of the Global Institute of Clinical Excellence and Presidency of Health and Innovation of Keralty, explains that the vaccine acts as a trainer of the immune system that prepares the body to defend against infection by SARS CoV2. The biologic, which is applied in doses, is high to modify the gene that produces the spiked protein or the spice of SARS-CoV-2, which is injected into the body to enter the cells of the human and activate the respiration. of the immune system (Células T o glóbulos blancos). All of them do not cause any virus infection.

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This procedure allows the immune system to interact with the protein pico del SARS CoV2 to generate defenses that allow activation of an action plan, to which the person is possibly in contact with the future with the virus, his white globes (anticuerpos) are listed to defend the body against him.

It is important to note that in order to complete the protection scheme the dose application is required. The second dose can be applied to the 12 weeks (84 days) after the first.

What is the level of efficacy of the AstraZenaca vaccine in front of the SARS CoV2 virus?

The vaccine of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) has launched a 76% efficiency luego de la primera dosis. And when administered a second dose, 12 weeks after the first, the increased efficacy al 82%.

Five clinical studies published in the Revista Lancet, the last realized on February 19, According to investigators from the University of Edimburg, some semen have been recovered from the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, reduced by 94% the risk of hospitalized people being hospitalized compared to 85% with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

What are the causes of clots and thrombosis caused by this vaccine?

The investigations carried out by the regulatory authorities, including the European Medicines Agency (EMA, by its seal in English) in the United Kingdom Regulatory Agency for Medicines and Sanitary Products (MHRA, by its seal in English) informan about the possibility of presenting common events of coagulation of the vascular blood vessels or thrombosis in the usual veins, cuya frequency is not the mayor of what is common in the general population.

Here: Brussels authorizes the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the European Union

In the EMA analysis of a a total of 25 million people evacuated of Europe and the United Kingdom, is reported approximately 3 cases of unusual blood clots with low plaques and 0.8 deaths per million vacancies6.

In the analysis of the United Kingdom (MHRA) on 20 million people evacuated, se report four people with coagulas or unusual thrombosis with plaques and one death per million vacancies.

What measures did he take to guarantee the safety and efficacy of the Vaxzevria vaccine?

As any medicine, the data on the use of the vacuum are controlled continuously. The possible secondary effects are reported to be carefully evaluated and are required by the media to protect the individuals. Some of the tools available to control and guarantee the safe use of the AstraZeneca son are:

1. A robust Safe Vacation Plan and a Pharmacovigilance Program which evaluates the manner in which the risks of the persons before the administration, proportionate information to the temporary reconciliation of possible eventual events.

2. Protocols based on scientific evidence for tempering detection and treatment opportunity for medical teams to be aware of these adverse effects situations.

3. Escaneo system New Evidence Horizon and Security Monitor for COVID-19 Vacancies to ensure that the new efficiency and safety information is recovered and analyzed quickly.
