McConnell, Schumer includes the power-sharing agreement in the divided senate

The negotiations between Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and Republican leader Mitch McConnell were largely built around the workings of the Senate when the body was last divided 50-50: When George W. Bush initially became president in 2001. Final details is still being sorted out. between the two leaders, sources said.

Similar to the rules enacted in January 2001, Schumer and McConnell assistants discuss allowing bills and nominations to penetrate the Senate floor, even if they are tied up in committee votes, something that can become commonplace, as each party expects the same number of seats. in committees.

Democrats will hold the chairmanship of the committees and give them the power to set the agenda, and Schumer will gain the title of majority leader as elected vice president Kamala Harris casts a groundbreaking vote on the floor.

The full chamber has yet to ratify these procedures, but it is expected to take place once Schumer and McConnell have reached an agreement.

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Democrats are still waiting for the seats of the two new Georgia Democrats – the elected senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff – who won their races this month. Georgia’s election officials expected the certification process to be completed by Tuesday, and if so, it is possible that the two senators, according to Democratic sources, could take the oath and swear on that day.

Harris resigned her Senate seat on Monday and will soon be replaced by Democrat Alex Padilla. It is still uncertain when Padilla will be sworn in.

Once Harris is sworn in as vice president and the last three Democrats take their Senate seats, their caucus will be in control of a 50-50 Senate with Harris breaking ties.
