McConnell points out that the $ 2,000 stimulus home bill will not pass by the Senate

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell GOP senator says he will block permission for 000 stimulus checks Intercept’s DC chief of staff: McConnell was ‘pretty good’ with Trump losing re-election Trump directs Congress Republicans in several areas MORE (R-Ky.) On Wednesday slammed a House motion to increase the amount of stimulus checks from $ 600 to $ 2,000, indicating that it would not pass by the Senate.

McConnell’s remarks emphasize that Congress is unlikely to get a proposal to increase stimulus controls President TrumpDonald Trump Georgia’s signature audit finds no fraud during presidential election. Pompeo calls for release of Chinese journalist jailed for coronavirus coverage. Pence refused to be signed to reverse the election, advocates say MORE.‘s desk by Sunday afternoon, the start of the 117th Congress.

The House passed a bill on Monday to increase the amount of stimulus checks contained in a recent $ 2.3 billion package, but McConnell said Wednesday that the Senate will not pass an independent bill on checks.

“The Senate is not going to divide the three issues that President Trump linked to each other not just because Democrats are afraid to address two of them. The Senate is not going to be bullied into chasing more borrowed money into the hands of democratically rich friends who does not need the help, ‘said McConnell of the Senate floor.

McConnell argued that the bill passed by the House did not match what President Trump proposed and that he had no realistic way to pass the Senate quickly.

McConnell and Sen. Pat ToomeyPatrick (Pat) Joseph Toomey’s government used the Patriot Act to collect visitor files on the site in 2019. The Court of Appeal rules that the NSA’s collection of telephone data illegally withdraws Dunford from the chair of the Coronavirus surveillance panel (R-Pa.) Blocked the House bill on Senate floor Wednesday. McConnell also blocked it twice Tuesday.

Instead, the GOP leader points to a competitive bill he proposed Tuesday that links an increase in $ 600 stimulus checks to a repeal of a liability shield used by technology companies and a commission to run the election in 2020 to review.

“To ensure that the president is comfortably signed into law, the Senate has committed to initiating one process that will combine three of the president’s priorities. … Three of the president’s priorities in one Senate process,” said McConnell.

Trump said in his statement on the signing of the $ 2.3 billion agreement that includes $ 900 billion for coronavirus relief, that the Senate “will begin the process for a vote that raises the checks to $ 2,000, repeals Article 230 and” an investigation into voter fraud will begin. ‘

But the bill, Democrats argue, could not pass the Senate because it unanimously endorsed the Democrats, who said they would support the bill passed by the House.

“At least the Senate deserves the opportunity for an on-or-off vote on increasing individual payments to the American people,” the Senate minority leader said. Charles SchumerChuck SchumerMcConnell blocks vote on K checks, indicates New York Democratic Party chairman’s new package warns Ocasio-Cortez against Schumer’s provocative preview on Sunday: COVID-19 relief awaits Trump’s signature; government continues to expand vaccine MORE (DN.Y.) said.

And if the Senate passed a bill in addition to the language already passed in the House, it would require the legislation to bounce back to the House and be passed. The House left the city until Sunday, when the 117th Congress begins.

If Congress misses the deadline for Sunday, it will have to start all over again.

“There’s no other game in town besides the House Account,” Schumer said. “Any amendment to the House Bill cannot become law before the end of this Congress. It is a way to kill, to kill the bill.”

Updated at 4:03 p.m.
