Mayweather responds to fans with burla al Canelo: No pueden comparable

Mexico City /

The visit of Floyd Mayweather Tulum has released a bochornosa image of its security service, the cual is very aggressive with the person who intended to film while passing through the calls of the city, to whom he responded with a constant “¡Cinnamon, Cinnamon, Cinnamon!”.

Geen belemmering, the situation in the quedo here, then the social reasons of Money approved for answer a los gritos with a continuous message that was accompanied by la victoria del pugilista estadounidense about Saúl Álvarez in September 2013 and by unanimous decision.

“Odian porque no pueden compararse #TBE” (acronym for Te Best Ever), if you read it, wait in the video that accompanies Floyd luce muy superior y hace ver mal al Canelo in a game that breaks records of audiences but that no second part has to do with the big interest that generates.
