Mayweather arrest against McGregor tras loses with Poirier

Conor McGregor appeared in the UFC’s jaw, but his return was as fast as the hopeful, and in the second round he finished with a good combination of golfers like prop Dustin Poirier. Through the KO on the Irish, Floyd Mayweather approved his social speeches to liquidate the ‘The Notorius’ to comment that you can not win in his own sport, including the God of the llamarlo Mcloser.

Money Mayweather did not escalate in the Instagram post, but made sure that the people owe it to the style of life they live, but Conor had a parody and he loved it, because he only cared about a racist theme. To continue talking about skin, donde not a bad loser, he despised his “retire” loss to lose by KO, even though he had not passed before in his career inside the UFC.

“I’ve published it and here’s my opinion. The world knows that Artist McLoser can rob everything and be loved, but I’m allowed to know everything that racism does exist. Only if this vagabond is never yo, ni estará a mi nivel. I was simply constructed in a different way, my mentality is on another planet, my abilities are insurmountable, I am a swindler and I am, I have a bad mood, but I have to respond to him! This is what odian is, ”said the pugilista estadounidense.

No puede ganar en su propio deporte

Floyd ended the message following the racist theme, and it became clear that the fight against everything in order to give a better life to his family and because he had no intention of doing so was the first to express his hatred and style of life. So, McGregor did not pass it on and he could not win in his own motion.

“It’s sad that you can be a poor black guy who suffers from racism all your life and has worked very hard to bring him to your family in a better position, and the mayor on the part of his property comes from my own people. Conor ni siquiera puede ganar en su propio deport, peor habla de volver al boxeo para pelear con Pacquiao. Nadie quiere ver eso, es como si mis sobras comieran sobras ”, sentenció Geld.
