Mauricio Pozo: dollar defense project will be referred to as “the old necessities”; llama the attention the decision of the CAL | Economy | Notice

Hoy el CAL, on second occasion, does not classify the urgent project on defense of the dollarization.

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Mauricio Pozo, reacts to the decision of the Council of Legislative Administration (CAL) not to classify, on the second occasion, Ley’s project for Defense of Dolarización.

Dijo que llama la atensción “porque, aparentement, habría quienes nistan de acuerdo en cuidar el monetaryar system de Ecuador”.

Además, As a result of the legal reform project being submitted to the Assembly, “the times that are necessary”.

Pozo indicates that Gobierno is compromised with the protection of the dollar and the cause of the CAL’s position.

On the second occasion, the Council of Legislative Administration does not classify the urgent project on defense of dollarization

It is clear that the objective of a project is that the Legislature is complying with its need to review, debate, perfection or modification if necessary, “but not to reject entry”.

“The CAL can not interpret the constitutionality of a project of ley. The Constitutional Court will also be able to pronounce on legal reform projects, which will be approved by the law. The National Assembly must treat the Ley and pronounce it, ”he said.

The project proposed by the President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, reformed the Organic Monetary Code of Financial Conduct enacted to protect the dollarization and even the Independence Bank of Ecuador, as part of the compromises reached by the FME (Goboñero). (I)
