Mauricio Ochmann confesses, he decided that he would not go with the Derbez?

Have a day, we wish to see Aislinn Derbez and Maurcio Ochmann sharing the motives of his companions Haila Kailani, and even if we are tired of the recalculation between the ex-couple, we will be able to receive the actor at the airport of the City of Mexico to know why he is not his wife will be part of the second part of the reality of the Derbez family.

Ochmann read with great pride, while willing to demonstrate his great education in order to answer the questions of our reporter about the celebration of his third birthday, where he lives with his wife and his ex-wife, Eugenio Derbez and Alessandra Rosaldo, with whom she seems to have a great relationship.

WHAT HAPPENED? Aislinn Derbez and Mauricio Ochmann, in pleno divorcio, apart from many juntitos

Mauricio says that this party is very fun and family-friendly, in addition to details that, as in the case of the horsemen, the theme is always similar. But the question of whether Kailani will appear in the Derbez project, the same change.

“Do you like me?” Nee, digo no sé, por ahí saldrá un poquito, pero si no ahí ”, in addition to signaling that decision, “Fue en pareja, y nada para que se distirtieran ellos yo que me quedé con ella”, words that make it clear that both do not want the little one to pay much attention to reality.

SEE YOU! Aislinn Derbez confesses that she and Mauricio are not “compatible”

And it is in repeated occasions, the protagonist of telenovelas has demonstrated that he does not like to talk much about these topics and even now he has the time to explain, many believe that he was better, that Kailaini and he are not salgan in the program.


Aislinn Derbez could hold a new gallant in the middle of his divorce
